Sharpspark and Family Smithing
Sharpspark and Family Smithing is a weapon and toolsmith in the city of Harnaufen. The smithy was run by the halfling Sylrana Emberbarrel. The smithies symbol is a pair of smiths pliers wearing a cap and bells.
A sunken pit is carved from the original areas where casks were held, with a hole in the door ceiling allowing air to flow out.
The smithy is uncharacteristically small in appearance when comparison to other smithies. An open doorway to a main foyer is present. Forged weapons and tools hang around the sides of the foyer. A set of stairs at the rooms rear leads down towards the smiths area, while a set of stairs leads upwards towards the areas where Sylrana and her family sleep.
The smithy was originally a cider brewery run by Sylranas grandfather, which she inherited from her grandfather, Hallos.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Characters in Location