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Harnaufen is a small city on the banks of the Ganzfried River, in Kasetias' northeast. Harnaufens longest period of sustatined familial rule was achieved by the House Apfelfried from the years of 1290 DC up until the current day of 1483 DC.



The majority of people work amongst the pastoral areas, either as owners of the farms, in the employee of the wealthier farmers (or local landowners) or as some form of general laborer. Craftsmen of many different schools dwell in Harnaufen; with the most unique being a jeweler nearby the cities main square.


Some crafting professions have a single person with the necessary skills in the city, while other are more numerous.
  • Armorer
  • Blacksmith
  • Carpenters
  • Cobbler
  • Cooper
  • Jeweler
  • Locksmiths
  • Masoners and stoneworkers
  • Papermaker
  • Wheelrights

Other Professions

Outside of crafting, a number of other professions are worked in the city.


Harnaufen is roughly divided into six distinct areas. This includes the Place of the Royals, the River District, the Pastoral Area, the Westlicher Bezirk, the Östlicher Bezirk and the Gate District.

Place of the Royals

This includes the castle and its formidable defences. The defensive area includes a residence for the royal family, who often live in there though much of the year. Inside the walls is a mustering field and stable. The castle sits atop a hill roughly 145 foot above the surrounding hill, with walls rising a further 20 foot and 10 foot thick. Three circular towers sit at the corners of the castle, while a keep to the northwest stands a further 30 foot higher than the walls.   The castle can be accessed by a single gate on the eastern wall. A risen dirt pathway about 160 foot long and 10 foot wide runs down towards the surrounding area. Along the pathway is a gatehouse with a portcullis and solid wooden door.  

River District

The Ganzfried River sports a slightly risen southern bank in its upper tracts, allowing relatively stable land with which to build upon. The River District encompasses the southern side of the river, which is home to the cities leatherworkers along with many other crafting professions of the city. Snaking pathways to the edge of river and small cranes allow access to fresh water. Those living along the banks often work in the employ of the local craftsmen or lack the funds to live in the typically nicer dwellings of the Östlicher Bezirk and the Gate Districts.

Östlicher Bezirk

The Östlicher Bezirk is the eastern-most area of the city, spreading from the main gate in the south towards the eastern gate. The area is home to the many of the cities 'small-craftsmen,' such as locksmiths
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