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Sylren Mossweaver

Sylren Mossweaver is the keepmaster of Harnaufen and a veteran of the Huasorgisir in Tila'thyu. Sylren is also a former associate of the elves Rolen Galanodel and Romyar Nevotreth.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A thicker frame for an elf, with a strong muscularity, or at least more so than the average elf. Sports a number of scars from past battles. A strikingly attractive appearance and distinct from other elves.

Body Features

Torso and lower arms have a series of scars across. The torso sports wounds suffered in battle, while the lower arms have much the same though also have wrist scarring from continual use of a bow.

Facial Features

A slightly more rounded elvish face, though with the same distinctive elvish sharp jaw and chin. High cheek bones make Sylren have a strikingly attractive appearance. Her left ear is severed at the tip.

Apparel & Accessories

Sylren wears both a military garb and a variety of other for casual occasions.    Wears an intricate set of scale mail, with each scale shaped like a leaf native to Tila'thyu. Each scale piece is made of steel, though dyed to look like brass. It sports a side skirt on the left and side quiver on the right. A leather strap under each armpit holds studded leather plates onto her shoulders, with braces and studded gloves of a similar yellow brown colour. Sylren wears a set of knee high boots with elvish motifs around the topline. She wields a longsword and longbow.
Current Location
532 (In 1483)
Date of Birth
Alturiak 22, 932
Greenish brown
Mid-lenght braided greenish blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light yellowish green
163 lbs (73 kg)


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