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Torm known as The True and The Loyal Fury, was the god whose portfolio consisted of duty, loyalty and righteousness. His symbol was a right-hand gauntlet held upright with palm forward.
The origins of Torm were a mystery, although it was known he was once a mortal hero during the time of the fall of Caoz Gao, who eventually became a demigod. Many scholars believed that the mortal Torm lived in a nation in the Ilachekan Marshes known as Chalsembyr. At some point after the death of Thundatross, in -593, Torm joined the forces of the god Tyr, who at the time was carrying over his Procession of Justice, as his war leader. Eventually, the alliance of Torm, Tyr, and Ilmater, another ally of Tyr, became known as The Resilient.
Torm gained considerable attention and praise during The Decline, when his faithful helped keep one of the missing Tablets of Fate safe, and his own avatar battled and completely destroyed the avatar of Bane outside of Chaldainra on Eleasis 13 in the Year of Restless Sands, 199, seemingly killing the god who had already been weakened by Mystra and her servant Elminster. Torm knew he did not have enough power to defeat Bane, so he chose to absorb the souls of his worshipers in Chaldainra knowing that they would be instantly killed. The transferring of souls was done voluntarily and took thousands of lives, but Torm chose to spare children aged 14 and below. These individuals became known as the Martyr's Progeny.
Torm died in that battle, but because of his loyalty to his portfolio, The Overgod resurrected Torm shortly after the end of The Decline and Tyr raised him to the status of lesser deity.
In the Year of Three Streams Blooded, 293 DR, the dark god Cyric manipulated Tyr to battle Helm, god of guardians, over a misunderstanding. Tyr won, and Helm died. This divided the Resilient, as Ilmater chose to leave their shared plane, the House of the Triad, to live with the goddess Sune in Brightwater. Crushed by grief and shame, Tyr abdicated his godhood and granted Torm all his divine power. Tyr counseled all of his followers to offer their allegiance to Torm.
  In the Year of Resurging Magic, in 392, after the Spellplague had wreaked havoc in the planes, a group of demons led by the balor lord Axithar invaded the House of the Triad, and when Tyr and Torm sent calls for help, the dragon god Bahamut answered by sending his legions to aid in destroying the demons. However, Tyr died while defending the celestial planes during the ensuing battle.
Afterwards, Torm became the chief deity of the Triad and promoted Bahamut to the same position he once occupied while serving Tyr, and Ilmater joined his fellow god once again. The three gods moved to the plane of Celestia and re-purposed the role of the Triad in the Realms.


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