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Watchmans Eye

Watchmans Eye is a tavern near Varrimores guardhouse, close to its southern entrance. The Eye is frequented by guards mainly, which can often increase tensions when adventurers show up. That being said, it is one of the safer areas to stay for a night. The place is run by Gotleib Hanst. Along with this, it functions as a symbol of power for Ramuni, who still hold aspirations to one day hold Varrimore entirely within their borders.

Purpose / Function

  • Mainly providing service to the cities guards and its returning soldiers, though it does have lodging for those with the coin.
  • Act as a symbol of Ramunis strength, for which the Heirmarshell can operate from


Mainly well worked wood, with a strong varnish to protect against damage. A few windows along the first floor, with connections to the guardhouse next door. On the right is a small area of four rooms where adventurers sometimes stay. It has a symbol of a gauntlet with a fist overlaid hanging above the door.


The Watchmans Eye was built after Varrimores War of Independence, with the intention being that it would provide service to the Heirmarshell stationed inside the city. The buildings owner is always chosen by the duke of the Neischvi region, though it's not unheard of for Ramuni nobles to step in when they feel necessary.

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