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The Heirmarshell is the collectivization of both the guard forces used in settlements and the wider army used for larger threats in the kingdom of Ramuni. During more pressing times of strife for Ramuni, conscription may be required to fill the ranks as required. More common is it for this to happen than it is to see the Heirmarshell leaving settlements without any form of law enforcement.   The Heirmarshells symbol is an african sea eagle, holding a sword in its mouth.


Heirmaster: Head of law enforcement within a province   Keepmaster: Appointed head of law enforcement within an important city or town. The keepmaster wears a small burgundy shroud, adorned with the symbol of the Heirmarshell.


The army of Ramuni had long held a sense of ire towards many non-humans, particularly tiefling, dragonborn, aasimar and elves. Much of this prejudice can be attributed to the issues the kingdom; though then called the Kingdom of Eroberers, faced during its initial founding.

Public Agenda

The Heirmarshell are entrusted with overseeing general law enforcement in the regions under the ruling family of the kingdom of Ramuni. In addition, they promise to protect the kingdom and its people of external threats, nations or groups that seek to cause it harm.
Military, Army
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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