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Yuri Grivanic

One Stripe Yuri Hegal Grivanic (a.k.a. Yiyi)

Yuri Grivanic is one of the members of the Three Stripe Gang. He acts as the most charismatic and playful of the bunch, always ready for a joke, but not entirely naive.   He was born on Skortenia, to the north of the Orikste Mountains in the small fishing village of Krawacha. He and his siblings traveled south after their father died while fishing, and their mother died due to poor health. Arriving in Komsopole, they found earning coin hard in the fledgling Dvoynayareka Tsardom, and took to crime. Yuris main talent was both his speed, and his silver-tongue which got both him and his siblings out of many a tight situation.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, short cropped beard, smooth.

Facial Features

A short cropped beard, small scar on across left eyebrow,

Apparel & Accessories

Dark clothes puffed out the side of his studded leather pads.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Grivanic parents both died during the year 1475, when Yuri has only just reached adulthood. His siblings help teach him how to work on the streets.




Yuri is one of the leaders of the Three Stripe Gang. He is a level 6 Rogue Mastermind.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Established the most enduring organised crime group in Varrimores history.

Failures & Embarrassments

Yuri had previously tried to establish a thieves guild back in Komsopole, but was informed by his sister that 'there is nothing worth stealing here,' which is part of the reason he advocated for them leaving.

Mental Trauma

Yuri took to alcoholism after the death of his parents and never fully got over it.

Morality & Philosophy

Your family is the most important thing and you should cherish them everyday.   Not all good comes without bad.


Yuri becomes abrasive at the mention of his parents, often resorting to yelling in the dialect of his homeland.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Skilled in noticing a bad deal or an unwilling accomplice.

Virtues & Personality perks

Trustworthy.   Strong judge of character.

Vices & Personality flaws

Alcoholic.   Sometimes a little naive.

Personality Quirks

Strokes his beard often.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Tarsakh 23, 1457
Year of Birth
1457 26 Years old
Dark blue
Rustled to a point
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
Always time to drink!
Known Languages
Common, Damaran and Undercommon


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