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Varrimore is a large town on the The Merchant Coast, which can be found in eastern Ramuni. It functions as a primary gateway to the various islands throughout the Great Maw, however, mainly works with the Averum Republic. Varrimore is built into, and around a large cove underneath a high cliff face. Above ground are many of the houses, along with a layer of walls. Within the cove lies the cities trade center, with various artisans and merchants all through the streets.

While the spaces above ground are nice and acceptable, the real reason anyone comes here is for the Port of Varrimore. The port can be accessed through two means, a rarely travelled road down to the rocks and with some help from one of the tight-lipped boatmen, or entering into the city and finding the mine-shaft stairwell erected by the cities founders.

The Port of Varrimore has the majority of stores, with a number of inns being above ground instead.


Species: Mainly humans in the residental buildings above ground. Undercity has much greater variation owing to the trade center present there.   Professions: Mainly artisans, merchants, sailors and fishermen.


Laws are defined by the provinces capital, however Varrimore is often free to ignore some of these laws, owing to its tremendous prosperity.   Decisions are made through a small council of respected members of the city. Currently Avran Varr, Drakoved and Malartis Halinarial make up the council.


A long wall encircling the town inland, with a set of guard towers built towards the coast.

Industry & Trade

Artisans: Artisans of all kinds, but mainly shipwrights and shipbuilders.   Exports: Seafood, pearls, boats, leathers, meats, crops   Imports: Metals, stones


Port stairwell, sewers, marketyard, dirt road, shipyard (Port of Varrimore).   Taverns: The Smiling Shark, The Fishermens Friend, Pouchhold   Inns: Cliffwatch Inn, Watchmans Eye, Dahunt Inn   Stores: Kaldriks Kiln, Snik and Snaks, Malartis's Flashbag, The Hiding Place, A Stable Day, various stalls inside the Coinpit (merchant square)   Churches: Small church to Wuakeen

Guilds and Factions

The Skeleton Men: A gang of undercity street rats. The closest thing Varrimore has to a thieves guild.   The Pouchers: The towns Pouchhold is above ground in Varrimore itself, while most of the artisans live and work in the Undercity.   Heirmarshell: The law enforcement in the town. Has an appointed Keepmaster in place named Baltasar Svest. Has a barracks posted near the gate into the town.   Dark Guard: A number of Dark Guard agents work inside Varrimore in an attempt to increase the settlements loyalty toward Ramuni.


Varrimore prospered for a long time after its creation, but following the deaths of its founders, gradually fell into a state of disrepair, with many citizens leaving the free-city for those inside the Kingdom of Ramuni. Ramuni attempted to annex the city in 1430, but a militia force led by Drakoved, a renegade hobgoblin was able to resist the small force sent to take the city. Avran Varr was able to discuss a deal where Varrimore retained a level of independence. From here, a council to oversee the city was founded, with trusted city members being voted into it.


Varrimore has a high level of tourism, though many are simply passing through on their way to Averum. The highest level of tourism can be found with adventurers, with the Pouchers, Salt-Laden and Heirmarshell often having work for any individual.


The dwellings above ground use a combination of tiled roofing and yellowy brown wooden stuctured buildings. The houses are built in a relatively orderly fashion with few odd or distinguishing features.


Upper Varrimore is built over a flat area at the bottom of a high cliff face, but still overlooking the ocean all the same. Varrimores Port is built into a cove beneath the main city, which still has a few pillars left from the days before the areas settlement by humans. The area around Varrimore is an open grassland.

Natural Resources

The area around Varrimore is rather fertile, with a number of farm areas existing along its western wall.

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