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The capital city of Magnum Opus is a shining gem of progress and acceptance in the eyes of those who live there, and in the eyes of many in the outside world as well.   In its infancy, the land that Theogony rests on now was a churning bundle of crossed, leaking leylines, turning the land into a blasted heath of unpredictable effects, not unlike those of the Wild Zones that exist on the known world's borders. However, when the peoples' rebellion of Magnum Opus kicked off, that made it the perfect place to hide out and group together against the forces of Atalanta and Avalon. It is due to the first Weave-Casters, a group of Hedge Witches who wished to find a safe place for themselves and their kind, that this advantage was truly made, as they possessed the unique ability to mend the Leylines, and in its primal state, they could un-mend them as well when necessary.   When The Exiles Din succeeded in 814 EE, it was no question where they should place the capital, and a scholar amongst the rebellion's leadership, known as Kharis Floros, suggested they name the new city Theogony, from words of an ancient language which roughly translated to The Birth of Gods, reasoning that if they could throw off their chains where many others would have failed, and while the world thought it impossible, then what's to say they could not surpass the limits of mortality? While they admitted it sounded rather hubristic, and many rebels agreed, they also thought it was quite the inspiring name, and so it would come to pass that the city of Theogony be built on the freshly healed Leylines.   While no Gods have been born in the city as of yet, it has been home to a vast number of innovative discoveries. Whether it's the advancement of magic and the art of casting, advancements in technology and engineering, or advancements in the medical field, Theogony and its culture of acceptance and experimentation have made many new ideas flourish and grow into something that can change any number of lives.


Theogony is a massively diverse city, due to the open and notably liberal nature of Magnum Opus as a whole as well as Theogony's innovative atmosphere, coupled with its comprehensive welfare programs providing people of any type and all walks of life a good foothold to make a life for themselves.   That being said, the largest percentage of people in Theogony are still humans, taking up around 30% of the city's 480,000-or-so population. However, it's a much closer race for other types of people.   Due to the aforementioned welfare programs, there is less of a "low" class in Theogony, or rather there are very few people that would be considered impoverished. Most of the citizenry in Magnum Opus land in the Middle-Low to Middle Classes economically, as the city's nature lends way to living a safe life, if not a particularly lavish one.   To that end, there are also incredibly few people who could be considered Aristocrats within the city proper. Due to King Diomedes' reforms over the years, the mass amount of hoarded and/or otherwise extraneous wealth, even those of his own semi-noble family, has been added to the nation's coffers for the sake of the public in terms of infrastructure repair, the national welfare system, and the use of relief aid for when Magnum Opus or their allies run into disaster.


King Diomedes, as the head of state in Magnum Opus, is the one who makes the final decisions in the nation's capital. However, he has decided to only step in personally on events pertaining to the entire city, Theogony County at large, or if it would affect the Nation as a whole.   For sector-to-sector legislature, he overviews and makes the final call, but leaves most of the decision-making to a group of elected officials known as The Wind Wheels, or Windrädchen, that the people living and/or working in each of Theogony's sectors elect once every three years. The Windrädchen still report to the King and his bureaucratic offices, but they are also charged with responsibilities not unlike the Earls that run the other cities of Magnum Opus.


Theogony has a high wall surrounding the outer edge of the city, manned with ballistae and stations for long-range casters to work from, as well as their order of local Knights and the Royal military in turn. Some say that there are also comprehensive Arcane Wards around the city, and while the mages of the city certainly think so, the common person won't have ever seen them in use, and many who lived through the tumultuous Border Wars hope they will never have to see them again.

Industry & Trade

You can find just about any and every industry in Theogony. From something as common as Leatherworking or Dress-Making to something as complex as "Theoretical Applications of Transmutation Magic for the benefit of Carrot Crop Yields" will have at least five other people interested in the same thing.   The most common industries you'll find can be rather easily split into Magical and Mundane. The common Magical fields are Item Creation, Mana Programming, and Leyline Operation. For Mundane fields, you'll find that Stonemasons, Blacksmiths particularly that can handle smaller items, and Innkeeping and/or similar hospitality fields will be the most prevalent.


Theogony's infrastructure is very innovative and comprehensive, in terms of not only plumbing but also in terms of its Magical Power system. That system as well is maintained by a state-sponsored group known as The Hedge Mages to keep it healthy and flowing.   There are also plenty of leisurely areas within the city: covered pavilions, well-kept parks, playgrounds, as well as the well-watched and guarded Klirren Square, the epicenter of merchantry and socializing within the city.


  • Castle Sector - Also known as the Weisstein, it is home to the eponymous Great Theogian Castle and most of the bureaucratic and governmental buildings within the city. It's in the direct center of the metropolis and adorned with white polished stones. Alongside the aforementioned governmental buildings, this sector also houses many embassies, living spaces for visiting dignitaries, and high-end eateries and refreshments, as well as the Weisstein Field, a small park that houses flora from each country of Edda.
  • Grand Market Sector - Also known as the Rotstein, it is home to the most general stores in the city. While many supply stores are littered throughout all of Theogony, especially those that carry food and necessary items, the Rotstein is the sector that has the highest amount of businesses compared to living spaces or service companies. In addition, it's also home to Klirren Square, the largest market square in the city, with any day having hundreds of stands and sellers set up.
  • Operational Sector - Also known as the Amberstein, this sector is where many service companies and guilds have set up business within the city. From legal advice, financial services, and Leyline operators to merchant guilds, public education, and salons, this sector runs on the prolonged service, in comparison to the Rotstein's merchant life.
  • Residential Sector - Also known as the Goldstein, it is the largest sector in Theogony, and the one primarily suited for residential life. While every district of Theogony has residential homes, those tend to be special cases and/or connected to the businesses found in those districts. In the Goldstein, houses make up the majority of buildings, with some services that assist in daily life being present as well, such as general stores, educational facilities, and child care services. The Goldstein is also where the government-provided housing neighborhoods are, with each said neighborhood being constructed to have general, affordable goods and services nearby the homes, especially for the 'high-need' neighborhood for citizens previously in destitution, or with hindering physical and/or mental complications. Of course, there are also higher-end neighborhoods and houses, along with their preferred higher-end delicacies.
  • Crafter Sector- Also known as the Waldstein, this is the sector that has the largest amount of production facilities in Theogony. While there are plenty of businesses that sell the wares they make, the Waldstein's primary occupant will be one practicing their trade. From the common trades like leatherwork or weaving to the arcane trades of Artifice and Runesmithing, to even obscure trades such as the secretive Weave-Casting. Due to this association, the Crafter Sector also has many trade guild offices within its borders, along with Idle Hands Park, a large grassy park that has many open-air community spaces, which are typically taken up by beginners who wish to learn a new trade with others.
  • Hospitality Sector - Also known as the Lapistein, this sector contains most of the Theogian nightlife scene, as not only are there many taverns, inns, hotels, and restaurants, but also plenty of musical clubs where famous and amateur musicians alike can show off their craft. This district also has many medical-focused facilities, such as clinics and apothecaries. This sector contains many well-known places in the city, such as the Theogian Veteran's Hospital and The Witch's Brew Tavern, both facilities known throughout Edda for their respective fields.
  • Academic Sector - Also known as the Saphirstein, this sector is most well known for being the location of the Theogony Institute for Thaumaturgical Sciences campus, as well as housing many other academic institutions. Most of the operations in this sector are for practical education, however, or certain trade schools, along with more upscale general education. Even the aforementioned university is focused on the practical sciences of magic and magical abilities rather than the pure advancement of said magic. Alongside them, however, this sector is also home to informational archives and libraries for the pursuit of obtaining knowledge as well.
  • Arcane Sector - Also known as the Vilchenstein. Much like its neighbor, the Academic Sector, the Arcane Sector is home to plenty of educational and informational resources, the difference being that the Vilchenstein is more geared towards the Arcane, the development and empowering of the magical. Not only is the well-known Tausender Arcane Academy present in this sector, but magical crafters and tradesmen by the dozen, along with just as many Wizards and other well-known magical experts all for the pursuit of advancing and sharing the cutting edge of magic. Faith-driven magic is included in that as well, so the Vilchenstein is also where one will find many shrines and buildings for worship and gathering, including the Grand Theogian Cathedral.
  • Agricultural Sector - Also known as the Onyxstein, technically outside of the city walls, the Onyxstein specifically refers to the residential neighborhoods of local farmers that tend to the massive fields on the western side of the walls. While this district does not have any famous, or infamous, locations, it is the communal heart and soul of hunters, gatherers, and fieldsmen for the city and its outside areas. Even those just passing through the city can find a seat at a table or a roof over their head here, and if the wealth of the city is too much for them, they won't be left out all the same.
  • The Aussenwand - The outyards of the city, mostly contained in the eastern-to-southern parts outside the walls, is an eclectic mix of lives. While Theogony might have a comprehensive welfare system for those down on their luck and/or the disabled and vulnerable, there are still many who slip through the cracks, either due to the maliciousness, apathy, or strictness of those who administer said benefits. Those types of people, along with those who struggle to become official Magnum Opus Citizens, and convicts who might find it difficult to return to standard society, are the ones who populate the Aussenwand. While legislation is careful and strict about the legitimacy of the Aussenwand, and even the most well-meaning wish to see those who live there brought into the "proper" sectors, many can see the benefit of having a less restrictive space among individuals of like mind and circumstance, and instead do their best to make the Aussenwand equal to the districts inside the wall, with King Diomedes himself being one such person. This has led to Aussenwand citizens being able to start their own businesses and ventures as easily as others, or at least with fewer difficulties than others would expect, leading the outyards to have a vast variety of businesses and locations, including shrines, taverns, farms, even educational facilities, mostly focused on trade learning.

Guilds and Factions

Much like how you'll find there are many industries to find in Theogony, there are just as many groupings of like-minded individuals, major and minor, popular and secretive, official and spontaneous.   The common person in Theogony will know only a handful by name though:
  • First, it is an open secret that a sect of the Thieves Guild is operating directly in Theogony. However, it is also known that they're crafty enough to not get caught and not do anything too stupid, not that the local merchants and more well-off houses feel any better about it.
  • Second, one of the more well-known Mercenary Guilds has its main base in Theogony: The Violet Jewels. Known for being extravagant and eclectic, they are nonetheless efficient and good enough to take the #7 spot out of all merc guilds in Edda as a whole.
  • Third, the Merchantry Guild of Edda finds one of its strongest chapters in Theogony to the surprise of no one, as sales and merchantry are the lifeblood and heartbeat of Magnum Opus as a whole, which is all the more true for Theogony.


Originally a chaotic land of tangled leylines, the land that's now Theogony was originally a blasted heath. It wasn't until a unique coven of witches made their way into the occupied lands pre-revolution and worked their secretive art, Weave Mending, that the chaotic energies began to right themselves. By allying themselves with the witches, and under an agreement to honor said allyship with all Witches of their kind, the rebels of Magnum Opus found the land a perfect base of operations, as the Witches could un-mend the energies when necessary to ward off their enemies.   This made it a natural choice for capital when Magnum Opus finally won its freedom, and after many moved to the various corners of the country where their skills could be best served, many folks remained at the capital, especially the witches, whose pact ensured the city a save haven for their kind, bringing in crafters, tradesfolk, and merchants by the dozen, inspiring many hundreds of others to do the same, making Theogony the nexus of trade and craft in Magnum Opus, perhaps all of Edda.

Points of interest

There are many points of interest within Theogony, more than one person could ever possibly list. There are historical exhibits and societies, there are unique cultural gathering places, there are magical institutes aplenty, and more stores than one could hope to find! Alongside that is the unique architecture, top-end city programs, and of course the technological side of the city's growth, even if it isn't the leading city in such matters.


Theogony is a city full of opportunities and draws, so each individual person on average has at least one thing they'd like to travel to the city to see. However, the most frequented spots are Klirren Square, the Great Theogian Castle, and the Theogony Institute for Thaumaturgical Sciences campus. Either and all options are full of history, rare finds, and unique architecture that makes them a draw for many normal folks, along with the sheer amount of unique products and imports available. Even people within Magnum Opus' own borders know that if you can't find it anywhere else, you can find it in Theogony.


Magnum Opus has mostly stone architecture, utilizing dark oak wood for the framing, sturdy stone and iron for reinforcement, along with your typical plaster and walling. Most people tend to prefer your typical square houses, utilizing partially flattened roofs. Government-provided housing also leans towards this fashion, as they are easy and cost-effective to make and reinforce. Many others in the city prefer circular tower-like structures or the more avant-garde designs, but for the larger buildings of the city, dark spires have come into style, giving a gothic flair to the stone city.


Most of Theogony's own land is a flat plain, which made it easy to build the walled city on top of, but outside of its walls, the land has more low-rolling hills and even some sparse forestry, and a river that runs just outside the city, whose under-ground streams feed into Theogony's own water systems.

Natural Resources

Theogony began as a blasted heath, where not much land could properly grow or survive due to the leylines' chaotic nature. Even after repair by the Hedge Witches, not much grows but the area's typical grass. However, this lack of growth has made the healed land full to bursting with natural minerals for the city's farmland and provides a strong connection to the magic of the city itself.   The land around the city, however, has a bounty of different types of flora, as well as natural waters and springs aplenty.


Founding Date
815 EE
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Stone and Magic, Merchants Home, Schicksal
Inhabitant Demonym
Theognians (soft g)
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location


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May 29, 2022 06:12

A good article; informative and containing of neat stuff (such as in the "History" section), if rather plain.
I don't wanna tell people "try this," or such; I simply suggest to try browsing around other people's works and see if you can pick up any ideas off of them. (This is from a person who took a while to figure out how he wanted to format his articles)   Otherwise, you've got a solid start. Good work, yo.