Eddur The Question of Trust
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The Question of Trust

Civil action

The League find themselves in a Firbolg village, one of natural connections and tightly held trust. They parlay with the Elders, asking to be allowed to help...

On the other side of the tree portal (see previous entry for more information) they find themselves in a humble village composed of several yurts composed of found and bound logs and branches. The Firbolg here lead simple lives, tending to the forest and living in concert with it.   Sildo, their companion and Watcher , leads them to the largest hut, the one where the Elders hold council. While he is inside, introducing them, another Firbolg comes to them. He is armored in plates of durable bark and bears a longsword that appears carved entirely from a tree, adorned with glowing green designs. He also bears a scowl of displeasure, demanding that they leave the village and that Sildo was a fool to have brought them there. After a few words are traded with this male, a Justicar named Buthomar, they are retrieved by Sildo, who remains outside to scold Buthomar (to little effect).   Inside they are greeted by three Firbolg seated on cushions, each appearing older than any they had seen about the village yet and each of a unique ability. The elders, each representative of a sect of their people, the Watchers, Justicars and Singers, invited them to prove why they should be allowed to interfere with matters of their home. After much speaking, the League failed to provide sufficient evidence and were dismissed. They were told to wait in the village until later, in the meantime the Elders would deliberate and decide if such a group should not just be escorted out of the forest.   They went to sit with Sildo, in his modest hut, and speak of small things. After a bit of discussion and information being traded, a scream was heard outside of the village and the party rushed out to see what was the matter. Greeted with the sight of a pair of Justicars, one injured and the other helping him along, they found out the village was under attack by creatures called "Blightlings". Taking up their weapons they rushed to defend the village, forming up along the southern path and waiting for the oncoming threat.   After a moment, the first signs of strange movement could be seen through the trees. The slow moving forms of the Blightlings dragging themselves along with their vine whip arms through the underbrush and along the trees come into view as the party readies their attacks. An easy battle follows (for most) as the children of the briar make their way into the village. Blows are dealt, and soon some sneak up behind Valla and Arkis, forcing them into the melee. Pau is brought to his knees by some particularly effective attacks by one of the creatures, only to be saved by his sorcerous friend. In the midst of the battle, Doc spots movement in the trees, soon greeted by the terrifying sight of a troll skeleton, given locomotion by a complex network of living vines.   Soon combat is joined by this new creature, who quickly lays into the fighters who assemble before it, after some cunning defensive maneuvers, the small group manages to avoid most damage and quickly fell the beastly plant. After a bit of cleanup, Akta decides to try to retrieve the glowing core revealed in the center of the large creature. As she carves the seed free, the vines regenerate and trap her inside, giving her just enough time to destroy the seed and free herself. The battle completed, the party cleans up the field and reunites with Sildo and heads back to his hut to rest. In the meantime, a group comes from the Elders inviting the League back.   The Elders, impressed by their willingness to help, and by a few instances of proof of life-giving magic, agree to allow the party to address the corruption. They inform the group that they cannot send aid with them, but will provide the reward of some Songwood items should they return. With that promise in mind, the party takes time to rest, enjoying some lighthearted pranking in the meantime, and then heads out into the woods, transported to the edge of the corruption by Sildo. He leaves them with his best wishes as they venture into the forest and the ever reaching corruption.

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