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Session 1: A New Thread

Andrios, 9th of Anagrypnion

General Summary

Kadmos was out on his normal patrol in the forest west of Andrios. Here he noticed that the tracks of the Owlbear that the council had dealt with last week were old which leads him to believe that the owlbear has learned his lesson and moved away from Andrios. Kadmos also encounter a wolf who didn't seem interested in causing any trouble.  
As the night goes on, little after midnight, Kadmos found a young woman unconscious. She was dressed only in a black leather cloak and covered in strange tattoos. She didn't seem to be bleeding was completely knocked out. Kadmos quickly sounded the Horn of Silence to alert Kaliaros of a medical emergency and started to carry the mysterious woman to Andrios.   Kaliaros was awoken abruptly by the sound of a horn. He knew immediately that the alert came from Kadmos. Kaliaros quickly made his way to the Warden Barracks where he found Torakas. After alerting Torakas to the medical emergency, they both made their way into the forest, following Kadmos's patrol route while taking some shortcuts for the sake of speed. As they were making their way through the forest, Torakas was surprised by a sudden increase in his stride and realized that Kaliaros had used the blessings of Nyx to increase their travel speed.   After a few hours, Kadmos started to feel like he was being watched. He wasn't able to see anything but he did call upon Nylea, Goddess of the Hunt to bless his stride making him move faster. He also prepared himself for a fight.
Another while passed and Kadmos found himself in a clearing. He now felt that he was surrounded on all sides and more importantly, he noticed that wasn't any noise, he couldn't hear any of the usual forest sounds he would expect at night. As Kadmos began to run once more, he also noticed that his movements were a lot slower than previously.
A short while later, both Torakas and Kaliaros jump out of the bushes in front of him.   Kadmos debriefed Torakas and Kaliaros on what happened. After performing a medical check on the woman, Kaliaros and the group made their way back to Andrios. Being wary of potential attackers. After an uneventful short while, the group makes it back to Andrios where the City Watch had already set up a perimeter. Melanthos escorted the group to the House of Healing while Torakas joined the City Watch in patrol.  
As Kadmos rested the woman on the bed, he noticed that a mask fell out of her cloak. The mask was a funerary mask made of gold and had strange runes hastily carved on its inside. After some investigation by all present, the group wasn't able to determine the nature of the mask nor understand what was written on it.

Now at the House of Healing, Kaliaros was able to perform an exhaustive medical analysis. He realized the woman was completely naked under her cloak and also concluded that was nothing medically wrong with the woman. He decided to rest until morning where Kaliaros and Kadmos decided they would request help from Nir to ascertain if the affliction was magical in nature.   Melanthos and Kadmos were standing watch over the woman. After a short while, the woman woke up, shouted with an expression of terror on her face: "They are coming!" and fell unconscious once again. Melanthos had fallen asleep, with this warning he decided to reinforce the City Watch as Kadmons remained vigilant at the woman's side.   At dawn, Kadmos requested Lukos to find Nir and bring her to them. Lukos, obliged and made haste towards the Stravos mansion. Near the Archios, he noticed a very sleepy, and maybe still a bit tipsy, Fyx leaving The Huntress. After a very brief conversation, Lukos continued on to the Stravos mansion.   Nir had gotten an early rise and was already discussing the problem of the missing trade shipments with Zinon. Lukos approached them at a hurried pace as they were making their way to the Council Hall. Lukos urged Nir to come with him to the House of Healing and eventually Fennan also joined the group. Fyx decided to go home where he's given a restorative tonic by Marpe before getting some sleep, Zinon continued on to the Hall and Fennan joined Nir and Lukos on their way to the House of Healing.   Once at the House of Healing, Lukos, Nir, and Fennan were met by Kadmos, Miri, and Kaliaros. Nir, Fennan, Miri, and Kaliaros proceeded to perform a series of tests while Kadmos and Lukos remained watchful. The group didn't reach any meaningful conclusions other than a discoloration on the woman's arms. Wanting to further investigate with more resources, Fennan made a copy of the inscription of the mask and quickly made his way to the Council Hall to get help from his team.   Not being able to help identify any magical reasons why the woman was unconscious, Nir shifted her focus back to the missing traders. After a back and forth with Kadmos and Lukos, they agreed that Lukos and Baruch would follow the trade route to Thestia trying to identify why no trades have come to Andrios in the past week.   Meanwhile, Kaliaros decided to perform blood tests on the woman. However, when he went to draw blood he noticed a lot more resistance than he would have expected. After insisting, he managed to puncture the skin and the blood seemed normal, both in the discolored area and the non-discolored area. He also noticed that the discoloration seem to have spread a tiny bit.   Not able to contribute further to the mystery surrounding the naked woman, Nir decided to pursue the troubles with the traders. She went to speak with Melanthos at the City Watch barracks. There Melanthos agreed to send Lukos along with Baruch and Nir agreed to allow the usage of two of the Stravos horses.   On the way to the Council Hall, Nir was approached by Okros who reinforced the need for trade to be reestablished as the meat stores were running low. He proposed that Eirene be allowed to hunt more than she normally would be. Nir shut down this idea and reinsured Okros that trade would resume shortly.   At the same time, Fennan had gathered his team to better understand the mysteries surrounding the naked woman. They weren't able to match the writing on the mask with any known language (though they don't have a Triton dictionary). They did encounter other documented instances of the type of glyphs found on the mask. These were tied to testimonies of people who claimed to have returned from the underworld and claimed to have seen text similar to the one on the mask.   At approximate midday, the council came together in the council meeting room at the Hall of the Council. Fennan was late due to being distracted and Fyx before he overslept. There they each council person shared their findings surrounding the strange woman. Just as council broke Kadmos heard the call of a Horn of Silence coming from Baruch. Melanthos also seemed alerted by something.
Report Date
28 Dec 2021

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