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Session 16: A new pattern?

Andrios, 21st of Anagrypnion

General Summary

Everyone except Kaliaros ran back towards the Archeos. Kira began climbing the tree and Nir, afraid for her safety, used her telekinetic powers to pull her back down. Fyx decided to climb instead to inspect the illness that affecting the tree while Fennan investigated the base of the tree. Both Fennan and Fyx found signs of grey bark deep in the tree, the infection seemingly spreading more on the tallest regions. Kira and Nir inspected the leaves and Kira explained the grey leaves were devoid of aether. Meanwhile, Kadmos was helping Lukos control the few remaining people from the festival.   Meanwhile, Kaliaros rushed to the House of Healing. He found it empty but treated the young boy's legs with ease. He left the boy to rest as he returned to the Archeos while keeping an eye out for any of his team members. Arriving at the Archeos, the council decides that they need somewhere private to discuss the events. They then notice that Melanthos wasn't around, asking Lukos he explains that his father was feeling weak and is resting the City Watch and that he didn't want the council to be bothered with more problems. Kadmos and Kaliaros decide to make their way to the City Watch to check up on Melanthos    Seeing the group from Meletis nearby, Nir approached and asked them if they had any theories regarding the tree. Evagoras started to rant about the academic uncertainty whether the tree was blessed with nyx or if it was just an enchantment on the nearby grass that causes the falls to be softened. Nir, discarding what Evagoras was talking about, lamented that Agon wasn't able to be present, Sophos mentioned that they did leave Meletis together but that Professor Agon had found some rare plant during the travel and decided to prioritize researching it. As Nir was leaving the group to return to the tree, she noticed that Charis looked a bit unsettled. When pressed, Charis shared that she specializes in Divination and on their way to Andrios she had a vision of a large tree burning in blue flames.   Meanwhile, Fyx continued to investigate the tree and surrounding watchers. With night falling, he wasn't able to identify all the people watching the tree so he decided to spend some time sneaking around and ensuring that none of them had malicious intent. At the same time, Fennan visited the Council Hall which was dark and empty. He left a note for Ekris asking her to followup on researching the Archeos.    At the same time, while making their way to the City Watch, Kaliaros and Kadmos encounter Miri who was looking for Horas since she hadn't seen him at the festival. Concern for their safety, Kadmos asked Sweet Carrot to join Miri in her search.  Arriving at the City Watch, Kaliaros and Kadmos find Melanthos is a very weakened state. Seems he has been feeling weak for some time now but didn't want to bother anyone. Kaliaros did a medical examination and didn't find anything physically wrong but after a thorough analysis concluded that for some reason Melanthos was weak to everything in general. Hypothesizing that Melanthos's weakness may be related to Kira and aether in general, Kadmos leaves to find the rest of the council while Kaliaros remained to care for Melanthos.   Kira was very stressed that the council wasn't together and was shocked when Nir told her they didn't spend all of their time together. Still, to reduce her stress, Nir and Fyx joined Fennan as he was leaving the Council Hall. Shortly after, Kadmos arrived with news of Melanthos and they all went together to the City Watch.   Making haste to the City Watch, the council was now reunited, to Kira great relief, in Melanthos's bedroom. After a quick examination, Kira concluded that Melanthos was going to be fine but that in his current state he'd die in a couple of days. She also explained that, somehow, Melanthos wasn't a part of Venat's pattern and was being deprived of aether. Sooner or later, he'd come in contact with the corrupted aether and turn into a monster. Kira had a solution though, she explained that in her opinion Venat was wrong about the council. They weren't being corrupted because they had weaved a pattern between themselves. The only reason they were being infected by the corruption was because Kira had used a lot of aether and thus creating a focal point for the corruption. Kira also added that the markings on their skin were only present the Archons.   Kira then proposed a way to help Melanthos: weave his aether with that of the council. This should allow him to inherit some of the traits from the council, such as resistance to the corruption and the ability to see corrupted creatures. The council agreed and Kira performed a ritual where she weaved threads of light around Melanthos and the council members. Once complete, Melanthos seemed recovered and questioned where the other council members were gods. The council then decided it would probably be best to continue the conversation in a more private setting. They left Melanthos to rest and made their way to the Hall of the Council.
Report Date
28 Apr 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 11 (+0)
  • Nir: 11 (+0)
  • Fennan: 12 (+0)
  • Fyx: 11 (+0)
  • Kaliaros: 11 (+0)
  Odyssey Quests:   Optional Adventures:   Side Tasks:

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