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Session 18: Travelling to Thestia

Andrios, 23rd of Anagrypnion

General Summary

The council made their way through the familiar forest around Andrios. After about an hour of walking, Fennan pulled the council to a clearing for the wanted to show everyone his new armour. Fennan was wearing normal travelling clothes but by concentrating a layer of armour cover him from feet to head. The armour fits tightly against his skin and there's a cloak that when pulled up seems to make his movements hard to track. Fennan then shoots down some targets with a new energy cannon from his left arm and with concentrated charges of lighting he explodes a tree trunk.  
Fennan also shares that he can modify the armour to based on his needs. His armour then shifts and seems to grow into a bulkier shape. The new armour doesn't have a cloak or cannon but looks sturdier and has two large fist weapons that crackle lighting. Impressed, some members of the council decide to test how sturdy the armour is. As they attack they notice that the attacks seem to hit an invisible shield and they aren't able to break through it. After spending some time using Fennan as target practice the council continue down the trail.   While going down the well known trail, the council ask Kira for more details about where she came from and Venat's domain. She explained that Venat created the Underworld, a parallel domain to Etheirys.
Kira then described the general areas in the Underworld:
  • The outer layer of the Underworld has the river Tartyx that surrounds the realm, Athreos ferries the dead down the Tartyr;
  • Venat resides under Ilysia, which houses the greatest champions of Edinia chosen by Venat;
  • Erebos rules from his palace in Tyzerus, the land around it is the final resting place for those who deserve the harshest of punishments;
  • Nerono, an ocean of memories and the final resting place of those haunted by their own memories;
  • Phylias, a large city where all ambition dies and melancholy rules;
  • And finally, Agonas home to a multitude of arenas where honourless fighters are doomed to fight forever.
With the exception of Venat's presence in Ilysia, the description Kira provided matched the council's knowledge based on myths and legends.   The sun started to set as the council arrived to the location they had camped before with Melanthos. They decided to stop for the day and realized that only Kadmos had brought camping gear. The council tried to make the area as comfortable as possible and they took turns watching. During the night, Fyx had the last watch but fell asleep. In the morning, the group was surprised by Flame.   Flame brought news from the north. He and Frost had left Sweet Potato in charge while they investigated rumours that animals were being killed seemingly without reason in the area around Akros. On their way, they ran into Drarra Wildpride and traveled together. As they approached Akros, both Flame and Frost felt uneasy and a darkness surrounded the city. Drarra Wildpride decided to cross through Phoberos instead of going through Akros. Frost remained in the outskirts of Akros to investigate. Before making her way, Drarra Wildpride asked Flame to update the council on what's happening. With his mission complete, Flame returned to Frost.  
As Flame left, Kira mentioned that he was able to create portals to places she has already visited and can deliver messages a lot faster than the council is able to travel. Nir prepared a letter for Melanthos asking him to ensure the wolves have enough food and to make sure they have access to reading material. Kira turned into a blue bird and took off looking like a blue missile towards Andrios.   The council continued down the road, now with the Nessian woods to their left and the Lagonna Planes to their right. The road was easy to travel and they had a clear line of sight to the horizon of the planes. A few hours down the road, the council came across a shrine with some offerings. Some pristine arrows, a bottle of mead, some apples and coin. Nir added one gold to the pile of coin, Kadmos left six of his arrows along with a bundle of 20 bolts given to him by Fennan. Happy that they honoured the gods, the council continued down the road. As the rest of the council departed, Fyx went invisible and drank some of the mead. Kadmos noticed something amiss and Fyx caught up and they continued their travels.  
A short while down the road, Kadmos notices movement in the high grass and wheat fields. Out of nowhere, the council is attacked by five Alseids They insisted that Fyx pay for the transgression toward the gods. A battle broke out and the Alseids focused on Fyx and Nir. While everyone fought off the attack, Kadmos insisted on trying to reason with the creatures. After a couple of attempts, he managed to convince the Alseids to allow Fyx to repent. They agreed but insisted that he apologise at a temple for Karametra.   With the Alseid threat dealt with, the council continue down the road. After a few hours Kira returns and the council begin to try to find a place to camp for the night. They spot a farmhouse not too far off the road and decided to try to stay there for the night instead of camping.
Report Date
13 May 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 12 (+1)
  • Nir: 13 (+1)
  • Fennan: 12 (+0)
  • Fyx: 10 (-1)
  • Kaliaros: 11 (+0)
  Odyssey Quests:   Optional Adventures:   Side Tasks:

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