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Session 19: Shopping in Thestia

Thestia, 23rd of Anagrypnion

General Summary

The council approached the farmhouse, it belonged to an elderly lady named Ignir. She seemed to be living alone with her pet dog, Roci. The council asked if Ignir would let them stay the night, suspicious she allowed the council to sleep in the barn. Kaliaros asked if there was anything he could help with since he had medical skills and she mentioned Roci was limping a bit. Kaliaros remove a splinter in Roci's paw and, as thanks, Ignir allowed them to sleep in the house. The council made deer stew with the rest of the meat. It was getting late so Nir and Kira retired to a room in the house while everyone else went to sleep in the barn.
Before going to sleep, Kaliaros decided to gather some herbs and found some Yarrow and Bluejoint. Kadmos has convinced something that amiss, there's no way Ignir could be growing so much wheat without a nearby water source. Kadmos spent some hours searching but after not finding anything he headed back to the barn.   In the morning, Ignir woke up Nir and Kira in the early morning because she was going to meet some workers. Everyone left the house, Nir and Kira were grateful to Ignir who started to make her way to the fields while Nir and Kira went to meeting the rest of the council. Before making their way to Thestia, Kadmos caught up with Ignir to ask about the water. Ignir explained that the fields were blessed by the gods and as such didn't need much water. Satisfied with the reply, Kadmos made his way back and the council left for Thestia.   After a few hours of hiking on the road, the council reach Thestia. It's a very different city from Andrios, full of traffic from traders, lots of warehouses, piles of boxes outside stores and filled with people. Thestia is ruled by a union of trade guilds:   The council decided to split up: Nir and Kira would go to the Guild Hall as Nir wanted to send some letters while in town; Kadmos wanted to visit the weaponsmith to buy arrows; Fyx, Kaliaros and Fennan went to the general store to buy travelling gear. Once everyone was done, they were to meet at the stables.   At the Guild Hall, Nir was writing her letters near a bounty board. The board contained trivial requests from citizens of Thestia like a missing cat or job postings and it also contained an official poster from the guild, offering 500g reward for adventures who would deal with the "Terror of the Nessian skies". Among the smaller notes, Nir noticed a poster rewarding anyone would bring to the inn or information on a male Satyr who looked a lot like Fyx. Nit rushed to finish up her letters, had them sent and made her way to the stables.   At the blacksmith, Kadmos purchased 15 piercing arrows and 15 silent arrows, the weaponsmith gave him 30 common arrows for free. The blacksmith also mentioned she had better arrows like the Dragonhead Arrow but Kadmos didn't have the gold for it. Before leaving, Kadmos inquired when was the last time the path to Setessa was open and the blacksmith told him it was last week. The blacksmith also mentioned that if he was looking for work, she had something she'd pay him for while he was waiting for the path to open. Once done, Kadmos made his way to the stable.   Fennan, Kaliaros and Fyx arrived at the general store which was really full. Fyx did the talking and purchased five explorer packs along with parchment, ink and quill for Kaliaros. Finishing up, they made their way to the stable.   The council arrives at the stable at more or less the same time, here they purchase three horses and a carriage. The shopkeeper, Abia, offers them advice on the maintenance of the horses along with enough horse feed for the trip to Settesa. Nir alerts Fyx about the poster she found and they decide to make a hasty exit of Thestia. However, the horses will take some time to get ready, in the meanwhile, the council decides to visit a temple of Karametra for Fyx to apologize.  
On their way to the temple, near the town square, Kadmos and Fyx noticed a tall woman and realize they were being followed. Kadmos quickly approaches the woman to inquire who she is and what does she want. She's about Kadmos' height and clearly isn't interested in what he's saying. While Kadmos confronts the woman, Fyx tries to sneak into an alley and uses magic to disguise himself. Seeing this, the woman pushes past Kadmos and quickly makes her way to the council. As she approaches, Fyx recognizes her as Xandra, Lyra's personal guard. Xandra, not fooled by Fyx's magic, grabs him and pulls him into the alley.
Report Date
27 May 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 12 (+0)
  • Nir: 13 (+0)
  • Fennan: 12 (+0)
  • Fyx: 10 (+0)
  • Kaliaros: 11 (+0)
  Odyssey Quests:   Optional Adventures:   Side Tasks:

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