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Session 2: The wolf who cried boy

Andrios, 9th of Anagrypnion

General Summary

The Council of Andrios are ending their meeting when both Kadmos and Melanthos hear a call from the Horn of Silence from Baruch and Lukos. Alarmed by what may have happened and the possible connection with the mysterious woman's prophecy "They are coming", the council decides to answer the call for aid and go after them.   Kaliaros returns to the House of Healing to prepare for the need to possibly deal with the injured. Melanthos goes to prepare the City Watch for a potential attack while Nir, Fyx, Fennan and Kadmos (the "away team") go after Baruch and Lukos.   The away team makes their way out of Andrios. As they're crossing the east bridge, Sardu comes running hailing to Fennan. His father wants Fennan to go to the Bronze Hoof when he can as he has news on a topic that Sardu doesn't quite recall.   As the away team begins to head out into the Andrios Forest, Kadmos, who is still feeling the effects of slowness in his stride, asks Nir and Fennan if they know of any magical affliction that could be causing the effect. Fennan recalls reading a tome about curses where the slowness can be a symptom of anything as trivial as a minor curse that slows down movement to a major curse that slowly drains a person's life force until they die. Fennan also mentions that he has read about plants that can have a weakness effect so the effect might not be magical. As the team makes their way through the forest, Fyx is giving them a very inspiring speech.   Meanwhile, as Kaliaros is arriving at the House of Healing he runs into Drucilla who is once again complaining about her back pain. Kaliaros convinces her that she doesn't need more tonic but rather needs to lay under Archaios with her back and neck straight. Convinced by Kaliaros' medical advice, Drucilla leaves for the Archaios.   In the House of Healing, Kaliaros checked up on the mysterious woman where he noticed that the discoloration was receding. In the workshop area of the House of Healing, Kaliaros is met by Miri, Horas, and Keanon. Horas and Keanon had recently arrived from their trip into the forest to gather herbs and came back a good mix of herbs. Including a Gas Flower that Kaliaros identified and a plant that combusts in direct sunlight. After explaining to the team what was happening. They all started working on making supplies.   After close to three hours of walking, the away team makes it to the edge of the forest of Andrios without encountering anything suspicious. During the walk, Nir and Fennan discuss the possibility of improving the Horn of Silence to include position tracking.   As they continued out of the forest and down the road into the Lagonna Plains they run into a teenage boy with a bleeding leg called Priam. Kadmos gives Priam a healing potion to stop the bleeding. Priam tells them of a major wolf (over 50 wolves by his estimate) attack that ambushed his father on the road. He also tells them of two men on horseback (one of them with a dog) who told him to run towards Andrios because help was on its way. The team urge Priam to continue on to Andrios where he would receive medical assistance and they continue dashing down the main road.   After about an hour, the away team starts to hear wolf howls in the distance. As they continue they were met with a bizarre sight: A cart in the middle of the road being looted by wolves who were carrying boxes with their mouths into the forest. On top of the cart was a wolf pinning down a human man. The team immediately began to attack, Kadmos shooting an arrow at the wolf pinning the human and Fyx hurting the feelings of one of the closer wolves.  
The wolves clearly were caught by surprise. Some of them continued to carry boxes into the forest, others dropping what they were doing after getting hurt and running as fast as possible and a few attacking the team. It was clear that the battle was one-sided though, Nir fired a bolt of dark energy at one of them which causes their fur to lose color as its life slowly left his body. Fennan fired bolts of fire that causes panic among the wolves and Fyx shouted a cursed joke at one of the wolves causing it to fall over in laughter. The wolves tried to fight back, focusing on Kadmos who was the closest target, and making use of pack tactics where their prey would be distracted and attacking weak points. However, they were barely able to hurt Kadmos who was still inspired by Fyx's speech during their travel. After a short while, it was clear that the wolves' goal was to escape and Kadmos chose not to prevent them from running. Just before the last one was able to make an escape, Fyx managed to grapple the one that was laughing on the floor.   With the wolf threat dealt with, Fennan went to check on the human who was in shock and claimed that the wolves had spoken. Nir recognized him as Okleaos, a silk merchant who delivered wears to the Stravos workshop. Okleaos mentioned that Lukos and Baruch had chanced the wolves away when this group came in a short while after.   Meanwhile, Fyx was trying to question the wolf without much success. Nir attempted to communicate with the wolf telepathically with success and to everyone's surprise, the wolf told Fyx, in common, to get off him. During questioning of the wolf, the team discovered that the wolves became intelligent and gained the ability to speak about a month ago. Also, that the wolves were attacking the trade route searching for food due to an owlbear that had invaded their territory about 2 weeks ago and was easily killing off the pack. After some discussion, the team agreed with the wolf (which was named Sweet Potato by Fyx) to meet at the edge of the Andrios forest in 2 days at dawn. There they would discuss with the pack's leader how to solve the owlbear problem in exchange for the pack to stop attacking the traders. Sweet Potato agreed to relay the message and ran into the forest.   The revelation that the traders were being attacked by intelligent wolves causes Okleaos to have a mental breakdown where he claimed the traders were all cursed by Nylea and were being punished. There was a long back and forth between Nir and Kadmos about burying the dead wolves the possibility of leaving an offering to the wolves. After a short while, the team decided to head back to Andrios.   At the same time in Andrios, it was now at the end of the day and Kaliaros told his team to head home. Miri stated that they'd stay to work a bit longer and Horas would spend the night at the House of Healing in case Kaliaros needed help with the return of the other members of the council. Keanon decided to head home but requested he be called if anything was needed. Kaliaros decided to walk with Keanon into the city center as he wanted to visit the City Watch barracks hoping for news. As Kaliaros and Keanon left and were walking away from the House of Healing, they heard Miri scream from within.
Report Date
07 Jan 2022

Reputation with the gods
  • Kadmos: 2 (+1)
  • Nir: 1 (+1)
  • Fennan: 1 (+0)
  • Fyx: 0 (+0)
  • Kaliaros: 2 (+1)
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