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The ever secret kingdom, built of an aristocracy, lets only gnomes and the extremely rare visitor past the border. It is rumored that the land is a rolling forest filled with fey and magic, but while that is true or not no gnome will talk of their homeland – ever. What little contact this place has with the outside world is often in young gnomes leaving for adventure or in skirmishes with its neighbor to the south, Ishedore.


Chadavar, the gnome kingdom, traces its history long before most of the nations of present day, though the gnomes do not share this ancient history with strangers. Its known, or rather, shared, history starts with the invasion of the Gylanese army in 781. But, unlike what happened to the halflings on the western peninsula, the Chadavarians offered an agreement: Chadavar would hand over half its lands in exchange for peace and being left alone. By Chadavarian history, Gylanese is recorded as having accepted this offer, though there are some historians who suspect the Chadavarians pulled a trick on the Gylanese. And so Gylanese established the Ishedore colony, which, when Gylanese fell, became its own nation.   Peace then reigned until 1054, a couple years after the founding of Ishedore as a nation, when the neighboring kingdom attacked under a concocted story of murdered border farmers. Under this attack Chadavar lost land and was slowly being pushed back until a gnome by the name Larkar Wappip rallied the gnomes and stopped the advancing enemy. The war then dragged on in a complete stalemate for 29 years. Finally, in 1083, a peace treaty was signed between the two nations. Though, Chadavar never regained the land lost in the initial attacks. In spite of the treaty, there have continued to be border skirmishes between the two for the past century and a half.   As of 1225 C.E., Chadavar has closed its borders to all outsiders who are not gnomes.
Founding Date
Long before 0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Gnome Kingdom
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system
Riyals; two denominations with Riyos and Riyas equivalent to silver and golds pieces used in the Cheala Talons currency.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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