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Bain Nard

An ancient kingdom built of many unique tribes who breed the best horses to be bought anywhere on the continent. Yet, despite their strong trading ties as the best land and river routes between the north and south, they rarely ever sell their elite horses to those outside the tribes. It is within this nation's grass plains that they train great warriors and better riders.


Bain Nard’s history starts long before the rise of Cheala and its tribal system has not changed much over hundreds of years except that most of the ancient tribal wars have died out. After the Wolntarean people fell to the Chealain Empire in 394, the Bain Nard tribes formed a temporary alliance to protect their borders. As predicted, Cheala launched a campaign against the tribes in 415 and though Bain Nard proved a hard people to conquer, over 22 years the war was slowly forcing the tribes deeper into their homeland. Then in 437 a dispute of succession of the Chealain Throne caused the Empire to call a pause in the war. It never resumed. However, the land that Cheala took during the war never returned to Bain Nard’s control and today comprise a good portion of Innarea and Wolntare lands.   Since the 20 Year Plains War and the Tribal Alliance, Bain Nard has been a more cohesive collection of tribes. For the next 200 years, Bain Nard’s people lived in relative peace with only the occasional disputes with the halflings and gnome kingdoms to the south. Then, the nation gained some new neighbors in 612 when Bern was established. Despite initial fears, Bern proved to be a friendly enough neighbor. By 637 strong trading and political ties had been formed between the two nations.   In 730, the expanding nation of Bakianna reached Bain Nard’s borders. The tribes feared war with Bakianna might start, but this never happened. In 750, Bain Nard joined into an alliance with the Wolntarean people (still subjugated to the descendents of Cheala) to win them their freedom from Bakianna and four years later Wolntare gained just that. Bakianna grew hostile towards Bain Nard for their actions in this war. However since 960, Bain Nard no longer shares a border with Bakianna.   Much of the rest of Bain Nard’s history from 750 has been one of relative peace (which might be the reason it has outlasted many other kingdoms). With Innerea’s current march on the Otakai Pass, the bordering nation has sent raids into Bain Nard to seize some land. From this, Bain Nard has been on high alert towards more potential attacks and raids with the tribes most heavily effected calling for a counter attack.
Founding Date
Long before 0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
None, though they recognize Talons (see Cheala for more).
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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