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An aristocracy on the brink of anarchy with nobles bickering over land rights, hiring out mercenaries, assassins, and any other willing person to eliminate their rivals by any means necessary. While the battles continue, the crops are destroyed and the nobility's coffers are drained, any mercenary who can survive here makes quite the fortune. Recently, a northern War Lord has begun accumulating power and threatening Chean.


Mienchola was founded in 988 by a civil war and The Agreement of 988. Since then, the nobles continued to bicker, turning more and more towards evil deities. In 1192 a war broke out that engulfed the whole nation (the cause is unknown, likely buried in the accusations the nobles throw at each other, each blames his neighbors). The war is still ongoing. Most people have no hope for it ending anytime soon except in the rising power of a northern War Lord.
Founding Date
988 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Cheala Talons; copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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