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A small democratic nation known to export wonderfully craft ships, it is a quiet place with only the occasional danger of invasion from Phamos to the north. It sent its ships and merchants all around the continent trading both goods and skills and making its name as an export heavy kingdom.


A brief note on naming conventions amongst the Teluque nobility: names take the form of [private name] [birth house name] [past house affiliations] of the House of [current house affiliation]. Hence Leo is Bronwen of Merigold (and would become Leomer Bronwen Merigold of the House of X in the unlikely event he ended up marrying into another house), but Angus Merigold of the House of Merigold is currently affiliated with the house in which he was born and so is Merigold of Merigold. All characters are currently affiliated with their birth house unless otherwise specified. It is also worth noting that the fostering off of younger children to other Houses (often from slightly less important to slightly more important in the form of a client/patron relationship) is common practise between Teluque noble families.


Teluque is a nation descended from those that survived the collapse of Gylanese in 1047. Teluque is a small and it has never had ideas of grandeur relying instead on taxation of merchant ships passing along the Flowers River and the sale of some of the best cargo ships to be had. It maintains a small army to ensure that Phamos never gets ideas of pushing southward. Most of the citizens are a closed mouth people, especially when it comes to their shared history with Gylanese.
Founding Date
1047 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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