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A monarchy embroiled in constant war with its northern neighbor, Eveavion, its citizens flee if they can to safer, quieter lands. Yet, when the war pauses as it does time and again, trade is fierce and merchants can become rich. Within this political hotbed, the land hides many secrets of its past as the former heart of the Chealain Empire.


Phamos was established in 889 and attacked Eveavion in 894 in a land grab attempt but lost this war. Instead it turned south looking to expand but it ran into Gylanese and established its southern border along Gylanese’s northern one. Then it built up military power in the hopes of destroying Eveavion so that it could claim full rights to the center of the former Chealain Empire.   Phamos got its opportunity in 982 when Landan, a young and relatively weak king compared to his ancestors, took Eveavion’s throne. This attack not only failed but Landan marched into Phamos in the hopes of taking land for himself. Phamos successful rebuffed this invasion.   Since then Phamos has tried many times to take Eveavion land, and has been forced to push Eveavion out of its own land many times. Most of this nation’s history is one of war and counter war in any many names as: honor, glory, conquest, revenge, and wealth.   When Gylanese fell in 1047, Phamos, eager to claim more for itselves, prepared to invade the ruins, but a sudden attack from Eveavion put a halt to these plans.   By 1071, Teluque had been formed by remnants of the fallen nation of Gylanese and Phamos lost its opportunity to march south.
Founding Date
889 E.C.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Cheala Talons; copper, silver, gold, and platinum pieces.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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