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What was formerly a wasteland braved by only strong or foolish adventures, the Gylanese nation has now returned after disappearing overnight more than a hundred years ago.


Gylanese was founded before the fall of Esclaith (from which the Chealain Empire rose) by a group of discontent citizens of Esclaith fleeing famine and sickness. Gylanese setup trade with the Otakai and for most of its existence held a peaceful working relationship with the other nation. The Chealain Empire is said to have offered terms with Gylanese, they would be allowed to remain if they paid taxes to Cheala and most histories have it that they accepted this deal. If they did, they did not fall with the Chealain Empire in the Destruction of 501.   For many years they remained at peace, amassing wealth, knowledge, and skill (mostly in the magically arts). Then, as the succession of dictators went on, the nation became jealous of its wealth and knowledge but also greedy of more, aspiring to become the next Empire of the Continent (another name for Cheala). In 767, Gylanese sent its fleet south to conquer the halfling settlements and, by 770, it had nearly all the halfling lands under its control. That same year the remaining settlements made an alliance with Bern and, under this alliance, Gylanese was unable to claim any more land on the western peninsula.   After ensuring its secure hold on the newly seized lands, the Gylane army sailed to the eastern peninsula. This time though the residents, gnomes, were prepared for war but first they offered a peace treaty. They would hand over half the land they controlled if the Gylane would then leave them alone. For an unknown reason the Gylanese accepted this treaty.   With huge amounts of land under its control it started massive trade enterprises but stopped attempting to expand its hold. Many speculate that this is due to a change in dictators but no one really knows the reason as it was lost with the fall of Gylanese.   In 1032, a young scholar, Dayton Xander, rose to power, rivaling the dictator at the time, using unknown magical powers. Gylanese was plunged into an internal war for power which ended in 1040 with the former dictator dead and Dayton in control. The citizens, used to demanding and harsh rulers, liked Dayton who used his magic freely to help the populous.   In 1047, Gylanese seemed to collapse upon itself. Many suspect that whatever magic source Dayton used was the reason, though some argue it was called by the same thing as what caused the Destruction of 501, others say Gylanese used too much of its magic. For some unknown reason the western reaches of Gylanese remained untouched by the collapse. This region became Teluque.   In 1223, Gylanese populations, architecture, and entire civilization returned over night. While this event made news across the continent, the details of why or how are not well known.
Founding Date
Before 0 C.E.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Dimes; Dens, Dans, Dims, and Dykes equivalent to copper, silver, gold, and platinum of Cheala Talons respectively.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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