Cyndor Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Keeper of Infinity

Cyndor is known as the god of time, infinity, and continuity. Sometimes referred to as "The Lord of the Continuum", Cyndor is a prominent god in the Ministry Divine, where gods and goddesses hold significant influence over the world's affairs. Cyndor's portfolio revolves around the concept of time and the continuity of events. He is often depicted as a patient and wise god who watches over the unfolding of history, unaffected by the passage of time.   Additionally, he holds the unique position of being a consort god to Oros the Infinite, the primordial deity of boundless potential and cosmic creation. His role as a consort god to Oros the Infinite signifies their close connection, with Cyndor assisting in the preservation and regulation of the ever-expanding cosmos that Oros shapes. In the ever-expanding narrative of Eldrazion, Cyndor plays a vital role in upholding the order and continuity of the cosmos, ensuring that time's unending march remains balanced and harmonious alongside Oros's boundless creation.   As the god of time, Cyndor is responsible for maintaining the flow and order of events in the Eldrazion universe. He is believed to have a deep understanding of the temporal fabric, and his followers, often scholars and historians, seek his guidance to unravel the mysteries of history and foresee future events. Temporal magic and divination are closely associated with his worship, making him a patron of those who seek to manipulate time or gain insights into the future.   Cyndor's temples and followers can be found throughout the galaxy, with scholars, sages, and historians among his most devout worshipers. They maintain libraries and archives dedicated to chronicling the past, recording the present, and making predictions about the future. His priests often wear robes adorned with symbols representing the passage of time, such as hourglasses and sundials.   Despite his importance in the Ministry Divine, Cyndor typically remains a neutral and aloof god, rarely interfering directly in the affairs of mortals. Instead, his followers turn to him for guidance and wisdom, seeking to better understand the intricate tapestry of time that shapes the world they inhabit.
Holy Symbol

Current Location


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