The Great Machine Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Great Machine

The birthplace of all of Edrazion's constructs, the Great Machine is a plane of clockwork and perfect order, both inhabited by and created from constructs. The world machines here move with a purpose that not even the living deities of the Ministry Divine truly understand.   This plane is filled with an infinite number of country-sized circular interlocking gears which are habitable on one or both sides. These great flat wheels are at least 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) in diameter and have teeth that mesh at right angles, all turning slowly in synchronicity. Each disk has its own gravity that operates in a sphere circumscribing it exactly and pulling towards to the top and bottom surfaces. The void between the gears is filled with air, allowing easy flight. Outside of a gravity sphere, objects feel only very weak attraction to nearby disks. The Great Machine consists of this single infinite plane of gears; there are no constituent layers.   All cogs start out with no matter but the stone and ore they are made of, but outsiders from the plane bring with them vegetation, soil and more to Mechanus. The communities are focused on creating perfection by removing passions, illusion, pain, and unity. From the lawful Formians who have built hives across a swath of Mechanus, to the Inevitable constructs who have built massive factories devoted to the creation of Inevitables, all creatures are focused not on the individual but the whole of their species.   A plane of Law and order, the Great Machine has equal amounts of light and dark, heat and cold, and equal measures of the four elements. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place. Even individuals living here exist to fit into the greater scheme of things and thus achieve a perfect society. There is no pain, but the only pleasure is in successfully filling a role like a gear in a machine. Passion, fantasy, and illusion do not exist here, except for what might be brought in by visitors, and any who try to foment individualism or stir passions for a cause soon find they are not well received. While the plane looks straightforward, there are hidden subtleties throughout this plane. From understood codes of decorum to the sinister contracts of devils, this plane can be a dangerous place for those who begin making deals they do not understand.   Mechanus has an atmosphere that allows any mortal to exist on this plane and, despite the Inevitable’s factories that produce smog and soot, many never notice any pollution. The plane is infinite, and as the plane is filled with cogs, the cogs are infinite in number as well. They all spin together, with many assuming that the interconnected disks are linked to the whole multiverse - if the wheels were to ever stop spinning, then the multiverse would come to an end.  

Places of Interest

  • Axis: A gigantic city dedicated to universal law unmarred by the struggles between good and evil. It is considered to be a a shining example of perfect order and harmony even among the other settlements of the Great Machine. Within the city's golden barrier walls, the streets are perfectly ordered and clean, the buildings appear as paragons of their respective architectural styles from virtually every culture within the Great Beyond, and the natives strive to live in orchestrated harmony. Of course, some would label the plane's perfection hollow, or its beauty verging on sterility, but its gods and outsiders alike dismiss such criticism. Rather than being a single, uniform city, Axis consists of millions of settlements arranged next to, around and inside each other in a complex and elegant pattern. These constituent cities are often connected by portals to ease travel between them. Within the city, there are no shortages of goods or labor, and no social disorder. Its inhabitants work with an almost hive-like mentality to the greater glory of perpetual order. Axis, despite its nature as a place of rigid order, is home to a great diversity of natives, though its primary and original inhabitants are the axiomites themselves, cousins to the modrons and inevitables. The true form of axiomites is that of glowing clouds of golden, crystalline dust. The clouds move and contort on their own accord, temporarily congealing into twisting lines of mathematical symbols and complex tangles of equations. Each axiomite is actually an immortal construct of living, intelligent mathematics approximating a humanoid shape.
  • The Machine Armory: The Machine Armory is a realm seemingly constructed by unknown machines. It is home to thousands of inevitable-like automatons, silently ordered into countless ranks like an army awaiting orders. Divination magics have also revealed that an unknown intelligence resides here, calling itself "Iteration 375". Visitors to the Armory have reported that there seem to be no living inhabitants present, although there is always the sense of being watched. They also report of hearing periodic buzzing and seeing golden clouds at the edges of their vision. Near the center of the demiplane stands a cyclopean metal tower with no visible entrance. It emits a constant low vibration as if filled by many gears.
  • Regulus: Regulus is the home of the construct-like inevitables. Their strict hierarchy originates from Primus, a greater extraplanar construct, who resides here. Regulus consists of a total of sixty-four cogs, a number that never varies. It is divided into four quarters of sixteen cogs, each ruled by a Secundus (usually a Lhaksharut). Each quarter is in turn split into four regions, of four cogs, each ruled by a Quarton (usually a Marut). Finally, the regions are further subdivided into four sectors, of a single cog each, ruled by an Octon (usually an Impariut).
  • The Citadel of Resplendent Clockwork: A massive, dynamic, maze-like mechanism made of cogs, colored glass, and flywheels that serves as Lesu's embassy in the plane of the Great Machine.
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