Manem Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Cosmic Chaos

(a.k.a. the Drowned Sovereign, the Squall Maleficent)

Manem, often referred to as the Drowned Sovereign or the Squall Maleficent, is the enigmatic deity of Chaos, Water, Storms, and Vengeance. His presence looms over the tumultuous aspects of existence, championing those who defy order and tradition.    The holy scriptures of Manem include The Orisons of the Void, a compilation of prayers and hymns that serve as a vital component of the church's rituals. Another enigmatic text is The Eukatra Cartogram, a map that only reveals its shifting features when exposed to the vacuum of space. Sages dedicated to Manem employ this map for divination, guiding them on their path to spiritual enlightenment. The Book of Transgressions is a sacred tome found in nearly every Manemite church, where followers document the wrongs they've suffered, hoping for divine retribution. The local priests of Manem often intervene to right these transgressions, typically in exchange for donations.   Manem's faith revolves around several core tenets, including protection of children, seeking justice through personal vengeance, and viewing tribulations as gifts rather than punishments. Water is revered as a chaotic source of both life and death, as a result adherents are tasked with safeguarding rivers, oceans, and water sources. Acts of kindness extend to travelers on water or space, particularly those in need of protection. Manem's followers reject the concept of order, advocating for individual freedom over oppressive rules. Embracing the ever-changing storm and discovering one's true self amid chaos are fundamental beliefs.   The Church of Manem observes several significant holidays, such as Tidesfest, dedicated to safe travel, and the Ceremony of Gathering Rains, marking the arrival of the rainy season. Unshackling Day, symbolizing emancipation and freedom, is celebrated with the forgiveness of debts and acts of defiance against oppression.   Manem's temples are open-air structures, often featuring a central pool or open water. Coastal temples are crafted from driftwood, blending with their natural surroundings. Some incorporate functional structures like water wheels, hydro-electric generators, or lighthouses, harnessing the power of wind and waves. Shrines to Manem range from simple stone altars on high cliffs to locations submerged underwater, appearing only during specific stellar conjunctions.   Manem communicates through symbolic signs, favoring those who experience the scent of ozone, the sound of crashing waves, or vivid dreams involving unique creatures of sea and space. Disfavor is expressed through localized drift storms, the presence of strange albatross-like birds, or a persistent taste of brine.   Rituals in the faith of Manem include seeking vengeance by submitting wrongs to the sea, curing waterborne illnesses through prayers and chimes, simulating drowning for hidden knowledge or treasures, and invoking weather changes through consecrated iron instruments and symbolic sacrifices, notably those involved in slavery.   Manem's influence on the cosmic forces of chaos, water, and storms shapes the beliefs and practices of his devoted followers, who view the unpredictable and untamed aspects of existence as sacred manifestations of his divine power.
Holy Symbol

Current Location
Sworn Enemies
Water Elementals, Aboleths, Storm Giants, Kraken (and their servants), Hydras, Merrow, Sea Hags, Kelpie
Favored Weapon(s)
Trident & Net
Sacred Animal(s)
Sharks, Crocodiles, & Octopi
Sacred Color(s)
Common Worshippers
Starship Crew, Space Pirates, Slaves, Children, the Insane
Preferred Offerings
Blue Precious Stones and Gems, Items that have been Struck by Lightning, Relics from the Dark Tapestry, Drowned Slavers


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