The Dark Tapestry Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Dark Tapestry

Little is known of the Dark Tapestry—the darkness between the stars where inhabitants of Edrazion believe true madness lies. The few beings able to survive in the vast, cold void of space are too alien for even the living deities to comprehend, and present one of the greatest threats to the known universe should they wish to do so.  


Gods of the Dark Tapestry, known as the Elder Mythos, form two categories, in so far as such chaos might be categorized: the Outer Gods and the Great Old Ones. The Outer Gods are equivalent to true deities, whereas the Great Old Ones are less powerful: more akin to demigods, like the archdevils and demon lords. The Great Old Ones respect the Outer Gods and may be seen as heralds or high priests of their greater kind. For mortals, though, the differences between cults of gods of either category is practically meaningless.   The ancient, eldritch horrors of the Dark Tapestry are beings of immense power who—luckily—have thus shown little interest in Edrazion. Were the Great Old Ones ever to devote even a fraction of their attention to a specific corner of space, they could very well end existence as deities and mortals know it. While some crazed cultists and power-hungry arcanists contact aspects of the cosmic beings in the hopes that they can harness their cyclopean might for their own purposes. None can control the raw chaos these forces bring, however, and destruction and madness are the ultimate results.   While most who know of the Dark Tapestry assume its denizens reside unimaginable distances away in the void of space, one such race of beings built an empire beneath their very feet. The intellect devourers of the Upside Down are thought to have come from the Dark Tapestry eons ago, though what their ultimate goals and motivations are or were remains a mystery only pondered by the bravest of souls.   Similarly there is speculation that the gigantic tentacled creature known as the havero may originate from one of the far corners of the Dark Tapestry.  

The Dominion of the Black

The Dominion of the Black is an intergalactic coalition of obscenely powerful aberrations based in the Dark Tapestry, the darkness between the stars. Its ultimate goals remain a dreadful mystery, whispered to be the extermination of sentient life throughout the universe or its replacement by something from another reality.  


Some time during the Gap, the Dominion of the Black and the Cults of the Elder Mythos declared war upon each other over the planet Aucturn. The Elder Mythos cults were victorious and ejected most Dominion forces from the planet, but small pockets of Dominion resistance remain.  


The 'leaders' of the Dominion are colossal, evil entities of unfathomable intellect and inscrutable ambition, only known only under awkward translations. It's hypothesised that the Dominion follows the orders of the Dark Tapestry itself.  

Known texts

There are few known works discussing the Dark Tapestry. Notably is a work of starry observations and occult lore entitled On Verified Madness.   In addition, a quasi-text of hieroglyphic formulas entitled The Last Theorem relates to the subject of the Aucturn Enigma, which is in turn believed to mysteriously tie in to the Dark Tapestry and the Dominions of the Black.   The dark text implies that alien visitors aided an ancient Edrasian culture in creating their empire, and these aliens were in fact emissaries from the Dominion of the Black.
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