Silvanus Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Old Oak

Silvanus is a god who embodies the untamed forces of nature, wilderness, and the ancient wisdom of the forests. He is often depicted as a wise and venerable figure, bearing the features of an aged druid with gnarled skin and a long beard. His symbol typically incorporates an oak leaf, signifying his connection to the natural world.   As the Old Oak, Silvanus is revered by druids, rangers, and those who revere the balance and majesty of the natural world. His influence is felt in the pristine beauty of the forests, the strength of ancient trees, and the enduring wisdom of nature. Silvanus's followers often see him as a guardian of the wild places and a source of strength and solace in the wilderness.   Silvanus's dogma emphasizes the importance of preserving and protecting the natural world, embracing the cycles of life and death, and respecting the wisdom of the earth. His followers often serve as stewards of the land, defending it from exploitation and destruction. Temples dedicated to Silvanus are often nestled deep within forests, serving as places of reflection and communion with nature.   Silvanus is known to have three separate forms.   The Old Father: Silvanus assumes the form of the Old Father, which resembles an elderly, bearded human male's face. This visage either hovers in the midst of trees or emerges from the trunk of an ancient, colossal tree. This form's complexion mirrors that of old, weathered wood, with hues of brown, gray, and deeply fissured textures.   The Young Strider: Silvanus also takes on the form of the Young Strider, a youthful, lanky humanoid male with elongated limbs. This figure is often seen clad in armor crafted from leaves and wields a wooden mallet. The Young Strider is typically summoned when a sacred grove is under threat or when a circle of druids is in need of protection during their rituals.   The Horned Hunter: In another manifestation, Silvanus appears as the Horned Hunter, akin to the Celtic god Cernunnos. This form features a silent, enigmatic figure with blazing white eyes, crowned by a set of majestic stag antlers. His appearance is adorned with shaggy brown fur, nearly resembling the texture of tree bark. The Horned Hunter often emerges among the trees, communicating through gestures, nods, or pointing, before vanishing.   The divine partnership between Arhah the Life Bringer and Silvanus emphasizes the intricate harmony between the life-giving energies of the cosmos and the vibrant vitality of the natural world. It encourages their followers to revere the sanctity of nature, to nurture the cycles of growth and rebirth, and to recognize the interdependence of all living things within the vast tapestry of existence.
Holy Symbol

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