The Sanguine Tangle Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Sanguine Tangle

The birthplace of all of Edrazion's plant creatures, the Sanguine Tangle is an infinite jungle plane filled with all manner of flora - horrible, exotic, and forever hungry. Rivers run red with the vitae of creatures drawn to the Sanguine Tangle from other worlds so that their lifeblood might soak deep into the roots of this realm.   The Sanguine Tangle itself is a massive tangle of branches, roots, and vines with neither root nor crown. Instead, boughs the size of mountain ranges twist and curl through space, cradling within their grasp entire regions. The branches of the Sanguine Tangle are sustained by the brilliant core at the center of their twisting spiral - the Heart of the Wood, a floral sun that shines with a beryl light. Within the hedges can be found mangrove forests, great copses of pine and oak and far more alien trees, blankets of wildflowers in shapes and colors unknown to Edrazion, and within hidden hollows thrive various molds and fungi. The Sanguine Tangle goes on forever, and its leaves cover everything.  

Places of Interest

  • The Hanging Bower: All forests could be said to belong to the Green Mother, an ancient and terrible ghoran, yet her personal domain is the Hanging Bower, located deep within the endlessly shifting Silkwood. Here, the feasting halls and pleasure chambers of the Green Mother’s court hang high above the forest floor, suspended from the trees’ canopies by ropes of silk woven by monstrous spiders. Even the floors of these chambers are often made of taut silk as strong as iron, combining with innumerable colored lanterns and the forest’s perpetual twilight make the Hanging Bower an exquisite realm of half-glimpsed faces and suggestive shadows. 
  • The Bloodpetal Throne: As befits the patron of carnivorous plants, the Green Mother’s throne is not some construct of wood and iron, but rather a living plant—a flytrap of immense size. The mistress of the Hanging Bower lounges within its fringed jaws on a damp, fleshy tongue the size of a bed. In addition to being the literal seat of power, the throne is also an enforcer within the Green Mother’s audience chamber, extending forth on a long stalk to devour those who anger her. Yet there’s clearly more to the throne than meets the eye, as the Green Mother will sometimes command the great mouth to close down around her and remain inside for moments or weeks at a time, with no one in the court having any idea what goes on inside. Most rumors assume the throne harbors a portal, or some sort of rejuvenation pod. Occasionally the Green Mother takes others with her into the throne’s interior, but other than the Eldest, those around whom the jaws close are rarely seen again.
  • The Cavern Wombs: Not all of the Sanguine Tangle hangs from the trees. Far below the Bower’s silk floors, the forest loam is pocked with openings to large cave complexes. The Cavern Wombs are heated by deep geothermal springs, making their walls constantly warm and dripping with sanguine condensation. Fungus of both intelligent and more mundane varieties grows rampant in the smooth-walled tunnels, and the alien flora above regularly bring garbage and corpses down here to facilitate both growth and decay. 
  • The Witchbole: A giant, twisted thorn tree which Treerazer uses as a fortress and palace. As if its appearance were not harrowing enough, the bloated, gnarled tree is completely mobile, crawling slowly through the forest on its writhing roots. The Witchbole's true nature remains a mystery, though the treants of the Fierani Forest avoid the topic, leading some to believe that the massive demonic arbor was one of their kind before being corrupted to Treerazer's evil will. The shattered crest of the Witchbole sometimes twists into the outline of a face, although this visage is vague. On its branches are the impaled corpses of those who sought to confront Treerazer directly. The anthracite-black waters of the tarn surrounding the Witchbole are home to perhaps the largest demon in the Sanguine Tangle, the gargantuan hezrou Vamollaroth.
  • Mycelia: An immense, perfectly round cavern hollowed into the underside of a branch on the far side of the realm. It smells of fungus and sweet decay. Dim purple light emanates from the fungus that carpets the floor. Stalactites and stalagmites are arranged with obviously ordered intent. In the realm's center is the Palace of Eblarbiol, a gargantuan mushroom that rises from a bottomless lake. Eblarbiol banishes those with violent intent from his realm. Mycelia can only be found by those not seeking it; those who comprehend this paradox are ready for the realm of Eblarbiol.

The Gurgling Morass

The Gurgling Morass used to exist independent of the Sanguine Tangle, but was devoured by the plane of carnivorous plants at some point during the Gap. The birthplace of all of Edrazion's oozes, the Gurgling Morass is dominated by bubbling, fetid swamps, covered with oozes, molds and slimes. An overcast sky of mud-brown and rotten green clouds casts the realm in pallid gloom. Every few hours, a pregnant cloud bursts, spilling torrential rains of polluted water. A thin film of cloying moisture covers everything in the Gurgling Morass. Strange life forms coalesce here, sometimes by the will of the creatures who reside here, but sometimes spontaneously from the pools of slime themselves. Probably the least inhabited of any of the planes, the Gurgling Morass is often thought to be the most inhospitable of them all. It’s not that ooze kills so quickly, which it does, but because it is such a horrible, stench-ridden, and caustic ocean filled with muck, mud, and other rotting things. Few visitors willingly travel to the Gurgling Morass, and it seems as if even the inhabitants want out.  

Places of Interest

  • The Trash Heap: The Trash Heap might have the largest concentration of portals to Sigil Station in the galaxy. But that is because it needs a place to put its waste material, as there is nowhere in the city to put it. Instead, it gets pumped through one of these portals and ends up in the Gurgling Morass. Miles upon miles of junk litter this place - rotting food, old tools and weapons, and even the occasional body, sometimes still alive, floats across this area. While many might turn their nose up, the trash heap is inhabited by canny individuals looking through the junk, as sometimes there are treasures and lost items of high value worth living out here for.
  • The Cysts: This region is quite useful for those who wish to entomb and entrap creatures using powerful magics to sink targets of their magic into the muck. These trapped creatures create cysts in the mire, and they are preserved, like living fossils, in this realm. While cysts are impossible to see through, making it difficult to tell what is on the other side, they can provide some clues - a giant will form a cyst that is 15 feet or more in length, while a kobold may only create one a few feet tall. Occasionally these cysts might rupture, spilling forth their contents, and while many might drown on the filth around them, several have escaped their confines, driven insane by the untold eons trapped in the Gurgling Morass. On rare occasions, travelers have walked on cysts that have risen to the surface, accidentally rupturing the cyst and spilling out whatever creature had been locked away.
  • Shedaklah: Shedaklah is a bubbling morass of oozing, fetid sludge situated between two sluggish branches of the River Styx. Here and there, a low hillock or fungal forest peaks up from the plain of caustic, unintelligent slime. Shedaklah is most notably the contested domain of Zuggtmoy, Queen of Fungi, and Juiblex, the Faceless One. All manner of plant and fungal creatures dwell upon the surface of Shedaklah, paying honor to Zuggtmoy by means of the parasitic processes that keep them alive. Phantom fungi, hortus, shambling mounds, tendriculoses, and giant sundews - many fiendish or half-fiendish - abound on the layer, reveling in its unnaturally warm dampness. These faithful servants of the Fungi Queen seek out and destroy the few alien beings of organic ooze that emerge from the lightless depths, but in the deeper caves the slime creatures of Juiblex are so numerous that one must swim through them to make progress. The listless souls of victims claimed by Zuggtmoy's cults throughout the galaxy wander the surface of Shedaklah, numbly seeking shelter and hopelessly fishing for food that is too infested to eat. When these constantly starving, endlessly suffering playthings grow too sparse, the queen turns her attention once more to the mortal realm in an effort to increase the power and influence of her cult, bringing more and more lost souls to Shedaklah.
  • The Slime Pits: At the edge of Zuggtmoy's control, across the far bank of the River Styx, five bubbling slime-filled chasms erupt onto the surface of Shedaklah like pus from a broken scab. Ranging in color from olive, mustard, green, ochre, and gray, the pools lead deeper into the heart of the realm, where the Faceless One, Juiblex, holds sway. Legions of oozes and formless jellies serve Juiblex within the pits, moving at its orders and devouring what it tells them to devour. The most powerful of these servants, a hezrou-possessed black pudding of exceptional size known as Darkness Given Hunger, serves as Juiblex's most favored servant, occasionally venturing to the surface or into the prime material plane to hunt for a particularly delicious morsel.
  • Xhubhullosk: A mortal settlement! An assortment of lean-tos and rotting stalk structures that sit above the acidic pools. It is home to people who became stranded in this plane. Hortus servants of Zuggtmoy harass them frequently and try to convert them into worshipers of Zuggtmoy.
  • Thullgrime: A town in the twisted tunnels. It is home to cultist explorers, wererats and "disease-riddled consumptives." In some places, the ground is alive and drags creatures below. Eventually, their bones bubble up to the surface. The place is ruled by Cullis Heartrend, who is served by a creature known as the Grollog, a huge amorphous beast with dripping pits for eyes. It is somewhat intelligent and can communicate in broken language. Nobody knows why it serves Cullis.
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