Tymora Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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Lady Luck

Tymora is a goddess who embodies luck, fortune, and chance. She is often depicted as a whimsical and cheerful figure, carrying a coin or a pair of dice as her symbols. Her presence is associated with moments of good luck, serendipity, and the unpredictability of fate.   As Lady Luck, Tymora is revered by those who seek favor in the roll of the dice, the turn of the cards, or the outcome of life's random events. Her influence is felt in moments of opportunity, risk, and the pursuit of fortune. Tymora's followers often see her as a guardian of gamblers, adventurers, and anyone who embraces the uncertainties of life.   Tymora's dogma emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities, embracing risk, and believing in the power of luck. Temples dedicated to Tymora often serve as places of chance, where games of luck and fortune are played in her honor.   Tymora symbolizes the capricious and unpredictable nature of luck, offering both blessings and challenges to those who court her favor. Characters who follow Tymora often have a lighthearted and optimistic approach to life, embracing the idea that luck can change in an instant and that every roll of the dice holds the potential for great fortune. Tymora is a goddess who celebrates the thrill of chance and the joy of embracing life's uncertainties.   Tymora graces the divine stage as a consort god to Lesu the Star Walker. This divine partnership weaves together the threads of fate, guiding the journeys of adventurers and explorers through the unpredictable tapestry of existence. The divine union between Lesu the Star Walker and Tymora serves as a beacon for adventurers and seekers of fortune, reminding them that the cosmos itself is an endless expanse of possibilities. Together, they inspire their followers to embrace the uncertainty of the universe, to chart their destinies among the stars, and to revel in the thrill of the unknown.
Holy Symbol

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