The Inscrutable Labyrinth Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Inscrutable Labyrinth

The birthplace of all of Edrazion's monstrosities, the Inscrutable Labyrinth's geography is a perplexing and ever-shifting maze of black glass obelisks, white marble plazas, and a myriad of otherworldly landscapes. The pathways within this labyrinthine realm twist and wind in bewildering patterns, defying conventional logic. One moment, you might find yourself walking along what appears to be a serene white marble plaza, only to suddenly descend into a nightmarish tangle of bones in the Ivory Maze. The geography is a chaotic fusion of architectural styles, landscapes, and metaphysical constructs, making navigation an almost impossible task.   The atmosphere of the Inscrutable Labyrinth is thick with an eerie and unsettling aura. It resonates with an ever-present sense of disorientation and danger. The air is heavy with the weight of the unknown, and the very architecture of the plane seems to defy the laws of reality. Mysterious whispers echo through the labyrinthine corridors, and the boundaries between reality and illusion blur.   Inhabitants of the labyrinth are constantly scheming and plotting, vying for power and control within this enigmatic realm. The atmosphere is charged with tension and deception, making trust a rare commodity.   Overall, the Inscrutable Labyrinth is a place of profound complexity and constant change, where the unexpected lurks around every corner, and where the very essence of the plane seems to conspire against those who venture within.  

Places of Interest

  • The Ivory Maze: Existing at once within the Inscrutable Labyrinth and the Pit - the Ivory Maze was once the prison of Baphomet, the Horned King. Originally imprisoned by Asmodeus for attempting to steal the Prince of Darkness's ruby scepter, the wily and cunning Baphomet escaped it after only 63 years. With his escape, thinner but wiser, the Lord of Minotaurs fled the Inscrutable Labyrinth with the maze in tow, and it rapidly became the demon's persenal demense within the Pit. The first maze always encountered by visitors is the namesake Ivory Maze; the walls, ceilings, and floors of the hallways and chambers of this section are entirely covered with uncountable bones of every description. Beyond it, the realm is easily as large as some planets, and employs confusing twists of all sorts of architecture, geography, and metaphysics. Explorers have reported that its many treacherous terrains include cities' worth of tightly packed streets, entire mountain ranges criss-crossed with winding paths, plains with jagged protrusions of bones, vast warrens of underground tunnels, impassible swamps, twisted rivers, and impenetrable forests. The realm is populated by minotaurs and demons of all sorts. An array of demonic secret societies—in addition to Baphomet's cult—also have headquarters here, each paying homage to its master. Damned souls also wander the labyrinth eternally, being slain and reforming in an endless cycle of torment. Vilsteth demons also take shape in the depths of the Ivory Labyrinth, birthed from the essence of the Labyrinth itself, combined with the souls of those who abused positions of authority during their mortal lives.
  • Jandelay: An enigmatic demiplane of law lodged within the twisting corridors of the Inscrutable Labyrinth; a museum that claims and preserves fragments of dead worlds. Whenever a Material Plane world comes to an end, a fragment of that world merges into Jandelay. Fragments of dead worlds are absorbed into Jandelay in rows in chronological order, so that, unless a major apocalypse claims several worlds at once, there is no relationship between adjacent fragments other than their time of destruction, and Jandelay might resemble an architectural chimaera. The creator, guardian, and prisoner of Jandelay is the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, a being of utter chaos and destruction standing in stark contrast to Jandelay's lawful alignment. The Oliphaunt is a physical embodiment of apocalypses, and it is compulsively drawn to these remnants of destruction from which Jandelay is made. Jandelay is curated by the watchers, a mysterious race of towering beings who stride its streets and tend to its needs. Jandelay's petitioners, called the collected, typically number one per world and are among the last casualties of the ends of each. They retain memories about their lost homes, and usually live solitary, monotonous lives in the fragments of their worlds, only interrupted by the Oliphaunt's rumbling presence which brings back a sense of panic and desperation.
  • The Puzzling Hedge of Shendilavri: The lore of Shendilavri suggesrs that those who enter this grear leafy hedge maze alone and manage to find its center without being devoured by carnivorous plants are granted their heart's desire by the largesse of Malcanthet herselt. Dead-end switchbacks sometimes lead to the Ivory Maze of Baphomet, but the true center of the hedge labyrinth contains a portal to the Infinite Staircase. Characters who attempt to cheat by flying into the air and surveying the maze or moving immediately to its center incur the wrath of Gulmengiuum, a fiendish adult green dragon who keeps a constant vigil from the skies above the maze for exactly rhis purpose. Those who stay within the confines of the hedge maze have nothing to fear from the woeful wyrm, but those who attempt to steal their way into Malcanthet's gift risk a terrible fate.
  • The Akashic Record: Within the folds of of the labyrinth is a singular place that exists at a single point in time, at the very edge of time itself. Within this hallowed demiplane are endless shelves ladened with scrolls, a compendium of all that has happened, will happen, and is happening. These shelves hold all events, recorded on indestructible tablets and scrolls, composed upon sheets of astral aether and written in silver vapor. This plane holds all events of history and, if a traveler can somehow arrive here, they can select the scrolls written of their life and learn the past, present, and future. No thing ever comes from nothing. For time to become, it must first be recorded. While few may know when the multiverse was first formed, those first moments are recorded in the Akashic Records long before the multiverse was formed. Outsiders have different perspectives of this place, with some claiming it appears like an infinite hallway with doors leading to new rooms and insights, while others claim it looks like a great library with shelves stacked and overflowing with scrolls. Some have even described it as still images laid out on a strip that flows forward, backward, and in all directions, able to be maneuvered about by the viewer depending on how they wanted to view an event. Most people, who have visited this plane, describe a great library with a ceiling so high that it either doesn’t exist, decorated to look like an astral sky, or simply too far away to view. Overflowing shelves hold thousands upon thousands of scrolls and tablets that are laid haphazard over each other, carefully placed in a precise way by the Aetherians who act as the librarians. Many describe ancient floors made of glass-like clay, wooden shelves covered in dust, and endless rows of knowledge. There doesn’t seem to be a central location within the library, or if there is, none have recorded finding such a place, and one travels around as if in a guided dream. They know where to go by instinct through the plane, or at least, the books and scrolls they gaze upon all seem to be guiding them to their goal.
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