Waukeen Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Coinmaiden

Waukeen is a goddess who embodies commerce, trade, wealth, and prosperity. She is often depicted as a shrewd and confident figure, adorned in opulent clothing and surrounded by symbols of prosperity such as coins and scales. Her symbol typically includes a pair of balanced scales or a golden coin, signifying her domain over trade and financial success.   As the Coinmaiden, Waukeen is revered by merchants, traders, and those who seek wealth and success through honest means. Her influence is felt in marketplaces, trade routes, and the pursuit of economic growth. Waukeen's followers often view her as a patron of fair trade, entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of material success.   Waukeen's dogma emphasizes the importance of honest business practices, fair trade, and the responsible stewardship of wealth. Her followers include merchants, bankers, and individuals who engage in various economic ventures. Temples dedicated to Waukeen often serve as centers for economic exchange and financial advice, where individuals can seek blessings for their enterprises and offerings for profitable ventures.   In the Ministry Divine, Waukeen is a goddess who symbolizes the virtues of prosperity and the rewards of hard work and integrity in business. Characters who follow Waukeen often value entrepreneurship, financial acumen, and the principles of honest trade, seeking to achieve success and wealth through ethical means. Waukeen is a goddess who celebrates the opportunities and rewards that come with economic growth and the responsible management of resources.   Waukeen is revered as a consort goddess of Oros the Infinite. Together, they symbolize the limitless potential for growth, wealth, and abundance that can be achieved through the alchemy of ambition and opportunity. The union of Waukeen and Oros underscores the profound connection between prosperity and change. Their teachings inspire their followers to embrace transformation, take calculated risks, and seize opportunities in their pursuit of wealth and success. Together, they represent the ever-evolving nature of ambition and the boundless potential that exists within the realm of infinite possibilities.
Holy Symbol

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