The Dragon Eyrie Geographic Location in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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The Dragon Eyrie

The birthplace of all of Edrazion' dragons, the Dragon Eyrie is an enormous mountaintop the size of a planet surrounded by wispy clouds and crowned with an eternal cap of snow. The vast mountain-world supports environments ranging from underground caverns filled with troves of treasure to ancient waterfalls inhabited by aquatic dragon-kind. Around its peak fly uncountable multitudes of dragons so thick that the sky itself is frequently blotted out.   The Dragon Eyrie is divided into four broad mountainous regions - the Dark Roots, the Lower Reaches, the Middle Crags, and the Peak. Most of the mountain is open territory claimed by no one. No city or village mars the perfect crags of the mountaintop, though some non-dragons that come here in search of solitude build small shelters in which to live out their hermitic existences. The dragons do not tolerate any more extensive settlements, and they put up with the hermits only grudgingly.  

Places of Interest

  • Azharûl: Also called the Dragonspawn Pits, this is the lowest layer of the Dragon Eyrie. A vast subterranean layer of caverns and tunnels that lie amid the Dark Roots of the mountain world. Here abide the dark fruits of the dragon family tree. Shadow and deep dragon petitioners burrow through these depths, as do draconic undead. Gem dragons, such as sapphires and amethysts are found here; even topazes make their lairs in the water grottoes near underground pools and streams. Deep rothe, fungi, subterranean fish and kobolds are the primary food sources in Azharûl. All were brought from Edrazion long ago, to stock the tunnels for those who would hunt.
  • The Caverns of Greed: The size of a vast nation, Tiamat's demesne lies sunken deep within the Dark Roots. Its warrens and caverns must shelter the myriads of petitioners and fiends which she commands. Her Soulborn petitioners also build great ziggurats and temples in her honor, and excavate the kinds of structures that mortals prefer when they live underground. Tiamat lairs in her Cave of Greed with her five consorts, a great wyrm of each flavor of the evil chromatic dragonkinds. Throughout the region lies Tiamat's treasure, in copious piles - enough to ransom a dozen kingdoms. One of the many pitfalls of the Caverns of Greed is that it inspires in every soul a powerful greed, an overwhelming avariciousness that makes it nigh impossible to resist grasping something, if only a single coin or a tiny gem. Taking even a single coin, however, unleashes a horde of abishai and loyal wyrms that descend upon the offender and devour them utterly.
  • Eivnylth: One of the highest snow-capped summits amidst the Peak, Eivnylth is a realm of quiet stillness. Sound seems muted and the air is thin and cold. A few stars are visible in the night sky. The light here fades from purple to dark blue, hovering on the edge of night in an everlasting twilight. The atmosphere here is austere, yet serene. All around the summit lay the tombs of dragons - monuments to long forgotten wyrms. Here on Eivnylth are memorialized all the dead of dragonkind. Titanic cairns, mounds, dolmens, and menhirs bristle from out of the snow. Guarded by the silvers and the whites and the crystals and the shadows - even some few raveners and wyrmwraiths.
  • The Palace of the Dragon God: In the oldest records, Bahamut's demesne high upon the Peak, is described as a palace made of crystal. In the more modern accounts, the palace is described as a wondrous, glittering fortress with windows made from gems set in silver and gold, walls with inlaid copper and ivory on the inside and platinum on the outside, and floors of beaten mithral. Regardless of the source, all accounts stat that the castle is built entirely from Bahamut's enormous treasure hoard (as well as the of bones of thousands of would-be thieves), and that it reflects the eternal light of Cere like a beacon on the horizon.
  • The Furnace: Preferred by more solitary dragons, this region lies within a hot zone surrounding a giant volcano in the Middle Crags. It is one of a pair of titanic craters called the Nostrils of Asgorath, which are the most prominent features on this edge of the Eyrie. The region has a dark beauty - rivers of lava course all about, cascading over cliffs and down the slopes of the Dragon Eyrie in incandescent, molten waterfalls. The volcanoes vent huge columns of smoke continuously into the sky, leaving the area dark and eerily lit by the ambient orange-red glow of the ubiquitous lava.
  • Varaskverth: Often translated into the common tongue as "Brassberg", this is not just a region for the brasses alone. Varaskverth is a series of dry plateaus that rise from the lowlands along one side of the Eyrie's grand slope, escalating to the heights of the Lower Reaches. It extends deep within the side of the Eyrie, back through labyrinthine caverns lit by veins of shinning brass. Filled with mirrors, tricks, and traps, the labyrinths are not merely for amusement, but contain secret knowledge to help dragons attain perfection. Buildings of any kind are not common in the Dragon Eyrie, but those few who are inclined to architectural pursuits have turned Varaskverth into a shining city that is wholly and singularly draconic in its aspect.
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