
The Holy Empire of the Sun


The Hepulchor empire Is a gleaming bastion of civilized culture and expansive range of levels of modernity. Huge, ancient walls rise hundreds of feet in the center of the capital, marking the seat of the Holy Empire of the Sun. The Land is lush and abundant with life and history in equal amounts. Rolling green hills, tall dense mountains of granite and thick, numerous forests of trees for hectares. The nation is proud. The nation as a whole has pride for their ability to rise around the warring nations around them on all sides, and claim nobility above those who squabble for land.
Heraldry for Hepulchor is semy de lys azure and bronze on a chief sable a eastern crown or a sun in his splendour or.

West of the Crown Sea deep inland to the Western Wall Mountains. North of Anwar's mountain border and to the southern edge of the Green Falls river is a mass of mountains, hills, forests and plains. This is the land of Hepulchor. The land is a hot subtropical zone with high wind-swept peaks and humid forests.

In 212AA, Seven tribes of pilgrims land on the shores of the Sun Bay, spotting protection from the elements at the foothills of a low peaked mountain. These seven tribes spread out around the base of the mountain and lay claim to land and the mountain as their home, founding the borders of Azmondio. Named for the High priestess that led the largest tribe, Azmondio became the central gathering place and city the seven tribes visited to trade argue, and dispute. The city became more than a safe haven for the seven tribes. slowly, people began gathering and leaving, making new tribes and claiming more land inland. The leaders of these tribes claimed The title of Count or Countess.
In 995AB, The counties of Azmondio came together in the capital, and the Counts all voted on a proper government. The largest County won, and the group of tribes and Counties were forged under a new ruler into an Empire. The New first Emperor was crowned, Emperor Alonze Medicho I.
This new country was named Hepluchor.

Current Empress of Hepulchor is Her Highness Empress Marieanna Le'Corona, First of her name. She was born in 8288, during a hurricane that swept into the bay and hit the city. She was born just as the eye of the storm reached the castle, and the skies shone down sunlight. This was taken as a sign that Marieanna Le'Corona was meant to rule. Is is a mere 19 winters old, but she carries herself like a woman of noble blood twice her age. Empress Marieanna Le'Corona brooks no fool and thinks deeply before replying, keeping her Luchori temper in check. Her beautiful visage makes even the most dour citizen smile as they all clamor to get a smile from her as she greets her citizens from her podium or balcony. Marieanna has something that she holds equal to her calling as the leader of Hepulchor; her faith in Eilyene. The city of Ciudal Sahn entirely is blessed by Eilyene. The city is a church, and the Empress is considered the High Priestess of Hepulchor.

The People of:
Hepulchor's populace is varied and run the spectrum of emotional states. Towns close to the shore are all smiles and greet visitors with a cheerful smile, While other mountain villages Will scorn and often chase adventurers or "Mal-dejos", troublemakers, out of their village. Most commoners don't need sellswords and adventurers stirring up monster populace and then leaving with the gold. Most people are very friendly, and will offer help to those who seem sincere, but those who were born in hepulchor, carry a air of pride and nobility even down to the lowest of farmers. Most follow Eilyene, under the guidance of her chosen Empress, but other gods are venerated to a lesser degree as well. There are people who are unhappy with the Empress and her bloodline ruling, but for the most part, these thugs and cults stay hidden.

Cities of Hepulchor:
  • Ciudal Sahn - Capital city of Hepulchor. Massive metropolis of canals, gardens and churches.
  • Fort Scudo - Mountain Fortress-turned-city, run by Military Nobility.
  • Dubino - Grand Southern county, known for its Wizard Academy.
  • Almozen - Different regional county, beliefs and ruling are different.
  • Collioro - Massive sprawling county protecting the western border.
  • Castelno - Western county bordering the Wildreach. Many mining towns.
  • Narclete - Northwestern most county, Lumber and rice.
  • Lonido - Northern border county. Cliffsides and woods.
  • Codoni - Centermost county. fruit and wood exports. Known for horses.
  • Rioja - Northeastern county. Known for archers and Bowyers.
  • Casa Boro - Northeastern county. Fish and pearls export.
  • Anso - Eastern county. Known for ships and wrights.
  • Haestro - Large central county, Lumber and Leather exports.

Areas Of Interest:
  • Holy Mountain
  • Lake
  • River
  • Fields
  • Forest
  • Woods
  • Hills
  • Lake
  • Bay
Nation of the Sun


Ciudal Sahn Street

Ciudal Sahn Market


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