Iron Jager Halls


Halls and city of the Dwarven Iron Jager Clan.

  OVERVIEW:   On the North face of the Ridgewall Mountains is a massive entrance, ornately designed and sculpted with dwarven faces, and iconography. Steam vents pushing hot steam up into the cold mountain air mark this locale as a location of industry. This is the entrance to the ancient city of Iron Jager Halls. The southern mountain dwarves, masters of engineering and warfare live and thrive here. Clan Iron Jager are master huntsmen and tactically trained to mass combat. Over thirteen thousand citizens live and work under the Ridgewall mountains. Digging mines, cleaning halls and refining metals and gems.   LOCATION:   Iron Jager halls is situated under a high peak in the middle of the Ridgewall mountain range. There are three known entrances into the town proper, all on the Gothmyr side of the mountain range. The mountain range is the southern borderline between Gothmyr to the north, and the broken baronies of the Iron Kingdoms to the south. The Iron Jager Halls has dug long and dug deep into the ground. Hundreds of mine shafts, cutbacks and open vaulted rooms spiderweb their way through the underground world of the Ridgewall.     LEADERSHIP:   The leader or "Underking" of Iron Jager Halls is Maruk Thunderjager son of Egnett Kohn-Jagerson. maruk is a massive dwarf and a knighted noble of Gothmyr, ally of the human cities within Gothmyr, and entrusted to keep vigil on the southern border. Iron Jager dwarves and the human soldiers of Southgate Keep work together and protect the southern border of Gothmyr from armies using the swamplands or mountains to invade.   Underking Maruk has two queens. One queen is Benossa Thunderjager, and helps control the goings on in the city. She rules at his side, and often is more of a ruler, handling day-to-day activities in the city, while Marulk runs the army or focuses on war or defenses. Maruk's second wife, Telena ThunderJager lives and works in Southgate Keep, as ambassador and has contact with Maruk, relaying messages and delivering commands and requests for the Iron Jager Halls.   Maruk has 2 dwarven sons, who are lieutenants in Iron Jager's army, under their father's command.   THE PEOPLE:   Iron Jager Halls is built on a caste system. It is a strict ruleset that keeps the order and the city moving and growing. The caste system is based on self-improvement, not birth. The lowest caste are Fetchers. Fetchers sweep soot, clean halls, and shore up mines. They are the main digging dwarves in the mines. If a dwarf saves the lives of other dwarves, or helps rescue lives in a collapsed mine, they elevate to the next caste. The next cast are Axers. These are the soldiers, the artillery men, and those who defend the city. Soldiers are honored positions that everyone treats with respect. If a soldier becomes a hero, in a valiant battle, or keeps another soldier alive during a battle, ascend to the next higher caste.   The third caste are the Scribers. This caste is full of merchants, workers, shopkeepers and traders. This caste is a honored position, as no one can open a store or sell things to others without becoming a Scriber. Scribers keep the city growing, where the Fetchers keep the city safe. Scribers are sought for their writing ability, and those who sell things within the city. Anyone making money to deliver enough coin or profit to the city, or one who establishes a profitable trade route for the Halls, ascends to the next caste.   The next caste are known as Minters. Minters are the nobility and one of the upper caste levels. This is the final caste that a Fetcher can attain. Minters Run districts. they are mayors and office holders, and also former Scribers ho now run multiple shops or facets of industry. The final Caste are Jagers. Jagers are blood clan members of any of the Jager clans. Clan Thunder Jagers, Iron Jagers, Blood Jagers and Black Jagers are the members of the Jager caste. They control districts above Minters, They run government offices and advise the King and Queen.  

  • The Grand Forge
  • Cavern of Ancestors
  • The Citadel
  • The Scribers Avenue
  • The Great Stair
  • Hall of Jagers
  • King's Armory
  • Chamber of Runes
  • The Foundries
  • King's Hall
  • The Fighting Pit


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