Iron Kingdoms

Iron Kingdoms

Lands of the Broken Throne

Today, the Iron Kingdoms is a region of Edus that is not one solid kingdom. Instead it is a shattered and splintered land, broken into twelve separate Baronies and Fiefs. The royal rulers of each kingdom are related and often can be found together, “visiting” each other under a façade of noble civility. The land is beautiful. Sprawling highlands of peat, with Hidden forested glens, the land is serene and magical. The Iron kingdoms is a land of awe and beauty. Wool and sheep find plentiful food here, and the lands iron is strong and resilient.

The original capitol city is Surlin. The king's iron throne sits vacant in the great hall of Castle Surlin.

Current Ruler:
Prince Fergus O'Donnel Is acting Steward, but the current Rulership of Iron Kingdoms is up in the air.
Current Baronies and their Rulers: The Twelve Iron Kings
The twelve children of the dead King O'Donnell are the current rulers of the Iron Kingdom. Unfortunately, each believes themselves the true King/Queen. The Iron Kingdom became the Iron kingdoms, made plural when good King O'Donnell died from old age in [need date]. At that time the family exploded in claims to the throne by every one of the twelve children. Currently, the Iron Kingdoms is a shattered divided mass of baronies and Counties, all with rulers claiming right to the throne and crown.

Ancient History:
In the second age, a warrior of great renown carved out a kingdom of impressive size. He slew clans of orcs, gnolls and bugbears by the thousands, leading his army that began to grow with every victory. His people, grateful for their freedom from threats in their land, named their savior ‘The Great Knight.’ He founded a kingdom capitol as a fortified keep and ruled its people with a gentle hand, while fighting off the monsters from the wild lands. From father to son to son to daughter the kingdom was ruled by the Great Knight’s solo offspring. This kingdom flourished through the Ages.

  At some point, one of the kings of the Iron Kingdom taxed his people too harshly and began to arrest people who could not pay, turning them into indentured servants. On the birthday celebration of the king, an old crone came into the grand hall and interrupted the king. She cursed the king’s line and swore one day his future offspring would tear the kingdom apart, as the king had done to his people.

  Current History:
in 8322, Good King O'Donnel died peacefully in his sleep. This put the iron Kingdoms into turmoil, as all twelve of his children all wanted the throne. Succession by the eldest was never custom in the Iron Kingdom, and this allows "the best shall rule" from the family. All twelve children took a portion of the country and claimed their own County or barony. It has been 3 years and still no one has rightfully been ascended into the throne.

Original  Nation Flag:

Gyronny of 12 vert and iron on a chief sable 3 saxon crown or a amphiptere or

Iron Kingdoms
Lands of the Broken Throne

Geopolitical, Country

Neutral but protecting each other from the border

The relation has been strained since Gothmyr has made a peace treaty with Barasarovia.

Neutrality, Mutual Non recognition.

Agressive Enemies


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