Monastery of Perfect Form

Monk Citadel of Shunanju

High above the massive capitol of Kings Watch"> on the near peak of the great Shadowspire Mountain sits a stout, fortified citadel of obvious Jade Isles"> design and form.
The Monastery of Perfect Form sits as a silent sentinel guarding the mountains access to the northern side of Kings Watch">. The Monastery is a collection of twelve identified buildings and a surrounding wall, built deep into the side of Mount Shadowspire. The angled building roofs make the massive citadel even more imposing from on high. Many crows and other birds use the rooftops as their nests and circle the citadel daily. Their caws echoing through the mountain gorges. Many petitioners and monks climb the mountain path just to reach the legendary Two Thousand Stairs to Heavens. These steps end at the massive twenty foot steel and copper gates of the Citadel entry.

The twelve buildings are used for various duties and the monastery is always populated by no less than three hundred monks, sohei, and even servants. All mentioned have been formally trained in the monastery. The trek to the Monastery from the road to Kings Watch takes approximately two days of hard climbing, leaving the pilgrims a night to survive on the mountain in the wild. Harpies and mountain ogres often hunt pilgrims along the path, and the few campsites often used is hunted by these monsters.

The Monastery of Perfect form is run by a three member triumvirate council. This council answers to the grandmaster Arasmus Everbright, who often is seen in Kings Watch, assisting Prince Jeggred Von Luen.
The tri-council, or known as the Three Storms, currently are: Master of Lightning, Devoc Masato; Master of Thunder, Shina Darevi; Master of Rain, Gregori Ilydor. The Council of Three Storms sit and make rulings, judgements and adjucate issues within the monastery. The Master of Lightning commanded and oversees the Soldiers and sohei of the monastery. The Master of Thunder oversees the training of new monks. The Master of Rain is in charge of Administrative duties and oversees the workers and interior workers.

People of the Monastery of Perfect Form all work to keep the walls. The main citadel itself is seen as a church to all and prayers within is done to many of the Pantheons in Edus.
Work is done from dawn and well past dusk. All who dare to live within the monastery volunteer their days to the upkeep and maintenance of the monastery. In trade of their service, they are trained in the Perfect Form. There are five different forms taught within the Monastery but all are secondary to the martial Arts form, Shunanju.
Shunanju was a form of martialĀ  arts bot with empty hand as well as small weapons. Those who excel with the martial form begin to attain almost a mystical skill, like psionics. Mental training was equal to physical training within Shunanju and the ten levels of mastering the form can take one's entire life. Most leave the monastery to pilgrimage or to adventure after reaching the fifth level and few reach the seventh or higher. All masters who teach within the monastery must reach the seventh level, called the Master of Time.

Places of Interest:
The first twelve entries are the actual buildings of the monastery,followed by other surrounding places that can be of interest.
  • The Holy Citadel
  • The Training Hall
  • The Librarium
  • The Council Hall
  • The Testing Hall
  • The Eating Hall
  • Administrative Hall
  • Hall of Time
  • Hall of Stars
  • Hall of Mist
  • Hall of Jade
  • Hal of Stone
These are other areas of interest:
  • The Judgement Yard
  • The Doors of Heaven
  • The Doors of Life
  • The Tunnels of Time
  • The Winged Crook
  • Campsite of Petitioners

Master of Flowers
Arasmus Everbright


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