
Age of Bestowment

400 RO 4650 RO

Second Age of Edus. Post the Godswar.

  • 404 AB

    Re-founding of Svartzfeld

    Shortly after the Age of Bestowment began, survivors in the north formed a village, then turned into a thriving town. Svartzfeld was rebuilt and established a Theocracy Council of seven. The council took religious rulership and began a nation that directly scorned non-divine magic ,blaming it for the Apocalypse  that ended the previous age. Wizards were hunted and jailed, and some even Executed for casting within Svartzfeld. Constant wars with the Northern barbarian tribes to the east, and it lasted throughout the Age.

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  • 481 AB

    Founding of Svartzfeld

    Horselords of western lands in what is now Anistlav, traveled further west to a mountain range, and established themselves as nobility. Soon others joined them in their fertile land, and the kingdom of Svartzfeld was formed.

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Age of Discovery

6950 RO 7397 RO

Fourth Age of Edus. The Age of Dragons.

  • 7111 AD


    Birth of Herr-idiol
    Life, Birth

    A gold dragon, born under an solar eclipse, was born into the high anatoli mountains on Eastern Barasovia (at the time, was Anistlav).

Age of Enchantment

7397 RO 8005 RO

Fifth Age of Edus. Rediscovery of magic.

  • 7950 AE

    7959 AE


    War of Indigo Aggression

    The barony of Barasovia was used by Anistlav to import, create and manufacture purple indigo from the flowers brought North from Anwar. The workers rebelled against their Barons. Five Barons were killed and their estates set ablaze after being ransacked. Thus began the war of Indigo Aggression.

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  • 7959 AE


    Barasovia gains National Independence
    Political event

    At the end of the War of Indigo Aggression, after signing the Treaty of Indigo, Anistlav recognized the independence of Barasovia from Lavi rule. Czar of Anistlav gifted the new King of Barasovia a scepter of pure platinum, magically dyed with Indigo from Anwar.

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  • 7959 AE


    Kodleea made Capital

    Kodleea was established as the Capital city of the new nation of Barasovia

Age of Fortune

8005 RO 8326 RO

Sixth Age of Edus. This is the Current Age. The year is 8325. Most people drop the 8 and just call it "325AF"

  • 8305 AF

    10 /2

    Birth of Pavel Dragovish
    Life, Birth

    A proud Barasovian born on the outskirts of the village of Darlab, under the shadow of the Anatoli Mountains. Raised by his father Viktor and mother Alena. He grew up working with his father learning hunting, survival, and woodsman skills during the day and learning household duties in the evening w/ his mother.

  • 8318 AF


    Death of Herr-idiol
    Life, Death

    A cadre of Knights of the Yellow Rose from Anistlav entered Barasovia on a quest, killing the Gold dragon in her cave. Her treasure was stolen and taken to Anistlav as treasure to bolster the Knight's Patron.

  • 8326 AF

    5 /5

    Loss of Palin's Powers to the Faithful
    Religious event

    All Priests, Clerics and Paladins of Palin, the God of Law & Justice are suddenly stricken with what is being called "Palin's Disfavor". All those listed above have lost any Divine power, and are stricken with nightmares of judgment of "sloth, Contentment to the point of disgrace, and Greed." All those faithful to Palin cannot regain their divine powers without completing a quest of Law or Justice given to themin their dreams. Paladins and Priests of Prens and even N'Asu are banding together to  try and keep the peace across Edus.

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