
Age of Awakening

0 PH 399 RO

The First Age of Edus.

  • 1 AA

    Mortals brought to Edus
    Celestial / Cosmic

    O'hl brought mortals to the world of Edus. All the gods at the time collected mortals and ushered in new world.

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  • 119 AA

    2 /12

    Finding Ritual magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Select humans were gifted with the knowledge of Ritual magic, using blood, stones, gems and candles to produce archaic but powerful magic. Ritual magic was uncontrollable and very powerful as a direct tap into the Source.

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  • 148 AA

    Dragon King and Elven King make "The Pact"
    Cultural event

    The Elven King meets with the Court of Dragons and is given audience to the Dragon King, who bestows Blood magic, an ancient form of magic, to the Elves to keep as their own. This favor was to be called in later without refusal. The Pact was made that rippled through the Ages.

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  • 212 AA

    16 /2

    Founding of Azmondio

    Seven tribes of pilgrims Claim land and a mountain as their home, founding the borders of Azmondio Which later become Hepulchor.

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Age of Bestowment

400 RO 4649 RO

The Second Age of Edus. Conventional Magic is bestowed to mortals.

  • 400 AB

    2 /1

    Birth of the New Pantheons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    With the Chains of the Gods forged, and the God's Chains Law in place, O'hl ascended twelve beings to the Human Pantheon, six beings to the Elven celestial court, five beings to the Dwarven pantheon, and a few remaining beings to a pantheon to represent other mortals.
    This Act was usually declared by those religious sects as the true beginning of our Age. Most Historians recognize the Age of Awakening as the true beginning.

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  • 995 AB

    1 /11

    Hepulchor formally Established

    The counties of Azmondio are forged under a new king, King Alonze Medicho I.
    This new country was named Hepluchor.

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  • 1022 AB

    5 /12

    Birth of Iozurgiagg the Enlightened
    Life, Birth

    Iozurgiagg the Enlightened is born. A Bronze dragon born in the beach cliffs off the south coast of Hepulchor.

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  • 2023 AB


    Founding of Almozen

    The Order of the Knights of Amaro settle the eastern foothills of the Mendi Tontorra mountains, establishing "Fort Almózene" on the edge of the wilderness.

  • 2024 AB


    Discovery of the Crystal Cavern
    Religious event

    Weeks before the summer solstice the year following their arrival, the Knights of Amaro are stunned to see a gleaming light shining high into the clouds above the Mendi Tontorra mountains. It takes nearly 10 days to ascend to the summit where they see the source of the beacon, a massive prism protruding skyward from the rock! They investigate further and find a cave entrance leading to a crystal-filled cavern, which they name "Kobázulo Diamant". They see this as a sign from Amaro and resolve to construct a Grand Temple in his name there on the mountaintop.

  • 2225 AB


    Attack of Danaidyowhe
    Disaster / Destruction

    The morning after the summer solstice, when the red moon had risen the night before, the Blue Dragon Danaidyowhe flew over the Alferra River from Al'Shiael toward the settlement of Calso. He melted villagers with arcs of lightning, toppled buildings, and screamed for the release of "Segaztoan" before flying to the top of the Mendi Tontorra mountains and razing the unfinished Temple of Amaro-Sarmash.

Age of Conflict

4650 RO 6950 RO

Third Age of Edus.

  • 4892 AC

    4895 AC

    Occupation of Scarsburg
    Military action

    During the hot summer months, Seven war galleons of Hepulchor lands on the southern coast of what is now Gothmyr. These seven ships anchored offshore and invaded the small budding towns and cities on the southern coast. These Pulchori invaders occupied towns from Hobb's Pier to Jewelsburg. A long battle lasting three years took place until King's Watch sent a newly built military of Drakkars and Galleons of their own to sink the Pulchori ships. Those on land surrendered shortly thereafter.

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Age of Discovery

6950 RO 7397 RO

Fourth Age of Edus.

  • 6951 AD

    Coming of the Dragon kings
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The deities gave authorization, and the skies opened. Dragons of every color and type descended upon Edus, attacking and laying siege. Each dragon took dominion over human, dwarf and orc alike. Elves were spared. Thus began the rule of the Dragon Kings.

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Age of Fortune

8005 RO 8325 RO

Sixth Age of Edus.
This is the Current Age. The year is 8325.
Most people drop the 8 and just call it "325AF"

  • 8006 AF

    10 /4

    Giant Snake Attack
    Cultural event

    A massive 30' long giant python exploded from the doors of the Magicka Escuela.
    No one claimed responsibility, but House Veno was blamed.

  • 8007 AF


    Hepulchor Nation Reestablished

    Nation of Hepulchor reestablished. The New Queen, Angelina Caroni I, is crowned.
    Hepulchor nation state was reclaimed, and the Throne capitol of Ciudal Sahn is reestablished.

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  • 8210 AF

    12 /3

    Establishment of Order of the Eye
    Criminal Activity

    Beholders and their servants establish a crime syndicate within Ciudal Sahn.
    Order of the Eye begins buying properties and businesses.

  • 8288 AF

    14 /9

    Birth of Empress Marieanna Le'Corona
    Life, Birth

    Empress Marieanna Le'Corona, First of her name, was born during a hurricane that ravaged the capitol city of Hepulchor. Her father and mother began preparing her to rule someday.

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  • 8304 AF


    Creation of the Cult of Muertan
    Criminal Activity

    Cult of Muertan is formed by three Necromancer exiles.
    Fifty recognized members begin collecting money for the cult.

  • 8307 AF

    24 /6

    Death of King Coronus III
    Life, Death

    Emperor Coronus III, King of Hepulchor was assassinated at a banquet celebration. His wife soon followed, and he was succeeded by his daughter, current Empress Marieanna Le'Corona, First of her name.

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  • 8311 AF

    14 /4

    Explosion of House Montego
    Disaster / Destruction

    House Montego, magical research noble house explodes.
    Hundreds of strange magical creatures escaped into the lands outside Ciudal Sahn.