
The Nation of Gothmyr, from the moment it existed.

Age of Awakening

0 PH 399 RO

The First Age of Edus.

  • 1 AA

    Mortals brought to Edus
    Celestial / Cosmic

    O'hl brought mortals to the world of Edus. All the gods at the time collected mortals and ushered in new world.

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  • 12 AA

    Grotmere Established

    The City of Grotmere, was established on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Shade. The nation of Grotmere was formed shortly thereafter, making Grotmere City the Capitol.

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  • 119 AA

    2 /12

    Finding Ritual magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Select humans were gifted with the knowledge of Ritual magic, using blood, stones, gems and candles to produce archaic but powerful magic. Ritual magic was uncontrollable and very powerful as a direct tap into the Source.

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  • 148 AA

    Dragon King and Elven King make "The Pact"
    Cultural event

    The Elven King meets with the Court of Dragons and is given audience to the Dragon King, who bestows Blood magic, an ancient form of magic, to the Elves to keep as their own. This favor was to be called in later without refusal. The Pact was made that rippled through the Ages.

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  • 208 AA

    29 /10

    Creation of Citadel of White Iron
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Day after "He Who Breathes Light" arrived to protect the monk and knights of the King's meadow temple, a new temple of pure iron apparated overnight while the men slept. The Citadel was the new home of the monks and knights, as well as the new home of "He Who Breathes Light".

Age of Bestowment

400 RO 4649 RO

The Second Age of Edus. Magic is bestowed to Mortals.

  • 400 AB

    2 /1

    Birth of the New Pantheons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    With the Chains of the Gods forged, and the God's Chains Law in place, O'hl ascended twelve beings to the Human Pantheon, six beings to the Elven celestial court, five beings to the Dwarven pantheon, and a few remaining beings to a pantheon to represent other mortals.
    This Act was usually declared by those religious sects as the true beginning of our Age. Most Historians recognize the Age of Awakening as the true beginning.

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  • 401 AB

    1 /1

    Refounding of Greymere
    Construction beginning/end

    As the survivors of the Gods War and the shackling of the God's Chains Law, the people on the west coast came together, seeing their entire town was gone, buried under their feet. They began farming and building again. This time with stone and the engineering skills of the dwarves to help. Dark elf, Dwarf, Elf and Human all worked together, sometimes even with monster races, to rebuild Greymere. It was renamed Greymoor.

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  • 412 AB

    The River Kingdoms

    In the lands of what is now Eastern Wildreach, many small fiefdoms grew to house large amounts of citizens. These small villages-turned-towns-turned-baronies started to declare their independance and established rulers. Eirdas, Nenses, Kalcya, Labryo, Ogancio, Hykatius, Beryso, Keltanys, Eire, Gigyro and Tamorys were the first established kingdoms of the area. Because their land were all split and contained a total of three hundred streams and lowland rivers, they all were collectively known as the River Kingdoms The people of this land wore furs and cottons, fought with an almost giant-like stamina andwere adept at both brewing and fishing.

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  • 444 AB


    Founding of Ravina'hyel

    The Elven City of Ravina'hyel was formed in the Ancient Forest of North Gothmyr. The High elven town became the cultural center for elves of the nation.

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  • 460 AB


    City of Ravina'hyel Alliance with Gothmyr
    Diplomatic action

    The Elven King of Ravina'hyel allies his city with the Nation of Gothmyr. The King of Ravina'hyel made a Councilor of the Council of Eight.

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  • 491 AB

    Formation of the Band of the Hand

    The Band of the Hand is formed. An adventuring group consisting of Alstrun Emerald, Palin Stoutheart, Dun'cann of Jade Isles, Rasfor Verdades, and Shu'un Alveer. These five heroes freed Gothmyr from terrible strife after terrible strife for decades.

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  • 523 AB

    30 /9

    Ascension of the Band
    Celestial / Cosmic

    O'hl looked down upon the mortal heroes that protected his new world best, and picked a few to ascend to godhood. Palin Stoutheart, became Palin, deity of Law, Justice and Judges. Rasfor Verdades became the deity of magic, and the new custodian of the Source. Dun'kaan Ruled his land outside of King's Watch until his death, where he was made a hero and protector of the Pantheon Alstruun Emerald became the dwarven All Father in the Dwarven Pantheon. Shu'un Al'veer became a god in the dark elven celestial court
    This is the last known time O'hl touched Edus directly to shape or change the world as a whole ,except for the era changes.

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  • 802 AB

    22 /10

    Ador’lunfriezo Sacks King's Meadow Temple
    Military action

    An ancient red dragon, Ador’lunfriezo arrived in the northern mountain range north of Rhil'Heeyl, attacking a Monastery of monks and knights known as the King's Meadow Temple. The monks and knights were routed and Ador’lunfriezo took control of the mountains and the temple.

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  • 802 AB

    28 /10

    “He Who Breathes Light” Saves Monks of the King's Meadow
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In a selfless sacrifice, Master Hunpai prayed to his gods, And sacrificed himself. His body was consumed by magic and exploded into a blinding light. The entire mountain alcove flourished and began to grow grass, trees and a natural spring began to bubble up and offer clean mountain water. A Celestial being of pure light descended from the heavens and aided in protecting the men as they ate and regained their health. The magical barrier kept all creatures not loyal to Hunpai out, protecting the men further. For days the men ate and drank, looking up at the silent and still Celestial being floating above the mountain oasis. They dubbed the Celestial overseer “He Who Breathes Light”.

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  • 1000 AB


    The Splitting of Rayvins'hol

    In the winter of 1000, Families and Nobles within Rayvins'hol revolt against other nobles and families, splitting the citizenry almost in half. The revolt was written as 'peaceful' but seven hundred family names disappeared from known city records. Those families and clans that left Rayvins'hol traveled north, and founded Rhil'heeyl.

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  • 1000 AB

    3 /11

    Founding of Rhil'heeyl

    Refugees and Noble revolters from Rayvins'hol travel north in Brambledeep forest, founding the elven city of Rhil'heeyl, atop ancient Elven ruins and a Fey gate.

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  • 2460 AB

    Corruption of Alurdor
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The lush mountain valley of Alurdor, northwest of the high elven Brambledeep, rotted and whitchered overnight o become a gray and brown wasteland. Almost all vegetation died, and all the fauna in the land seemed to sicken and those that didn't migrate, died. The area became known as the Alurdor Waste.

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  • 2471 AB

    Attack of the Gnolls of Alurdor
    Military: Battle

    The recently displaced gnolls of the Alurdor moved south along the mountains. Unable to dig into the mountains by the dwarves of the Westwatch, the gnolls pushed south, attacking the small villages on the western border of Gothmere. Many people fought and died, but eventually the barons of the region banded together and routed the gnolls, pushing them eastward into the elven woods of the Brambledeep.

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Age of Conflict

4650 RO 6950 RO

Third Age of Edus.

  • 4650 AC

    1 /11

    The Folly of Thrubadarb the Vanglorious
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Thrubadarb the Vanglorious, archmage of Pennimair, entered Gothmyr and began summoning magic that was beyond his control. He had used foul magics to give himself two more arms, and a sixth finger on each hand. and finding ancient Spell scroll from a Hunari ruin, he began casting magics he knew little of. His goal, to enslave the entire city, overtook him, emptying the Source into one mortal, destroying the World and magic scourged the land of Edus, centered on what is now Gothmyr.

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  • 4651 AC


    Refounding of Gothmyr
    Construction beginning/end

    The nation of Gothmere was refounded and renamed Gothmyr. The capitol was rebuilt and named King's Watch. The last blood heir to Lord Jeggred was crowned the Prince-King Jeggred Von Luen VIII.

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  • 4892 AC

    4895 AC

    Occupation of Scarsburg
    Military action

    During the hot summer months, Seven war galleons of Hepulchor lands on the southern coast of what is now Gothmyr. These seven ships anchored offshore and invaded the small budding towns and cities on the southern coast. These Pulchori invaders occupied towns from Hobb's Pier to Jewelsburg. A long battle lasting three years took place until King's Watch sent a newly built military of Drakkars and Galleons of their own to sink the Pulchori ships. Those on land surrendered shortly thereafter.

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  • 4975 AC

    Augynvor'nyx settles in Gothmere
    Life, Milestone

    Augynvor'nyx, an elder green dragon takes up residence on the western border of Gothmere. Her territory she claimed was the entirety of the Ettinwoad Forest. The green dragon  took control of the Ettin tribes and put the gnolls to work, mining her a new den.

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  • 5212 AC

    Anistlav Barbarians Attack
    Military: War

    In the spring,  Hundreds and thousands of wild northern barbarians from Anistlav crested the mountains and came down south like a swarm, invading the northern towns of Gothmere's border. Olto, Ladshut, Merstat and  Mannus all were sieged. The battle lasted weeks, until the capitol of King's Watch sent an army of twenty thousand cavalry and a contingent of 100 Chiroks (flying cavalry) to quell the siege.

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Age of Discovery

6950 RO 7397 RO

Fourth Age of Edus.

  • 6951 AD

    Coming of the Dragon kings
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The deities gave authorization, and the skies opened. Dragons of every color and type descended upon Edus, attacking and laying siege. Each dragon took dominion over human, dwarf and orc alike. Elves were spared. Thus began the rule of the Dragon Kings.

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  • 6951 AD


    Re-Founding of Ravinas'hol

    Dragon Queen visits the surviving elves of Ravinas'hol. Elves are allowed to rebuild and establish a free city for elves only. Renamed Rayvins'hol.

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  • 7397 AD

    Rediscovery of Blood Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Elven blood magic was a gift from the first Dragon King to the Leader of the High Elves. Hidden from humans and other mortals, it was found buried in tomes in an ancient library deep within Gothmyr's Forests.

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Age of Enchantment

7397 RO 8005 RO

Fifth Age of Edus

  • 7397 AE

    Rediscovery of Blood Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    Elven blood magic was a gift from the first Dragon King to the Leader of the High Elves. Hidden from humans and other mortals, it was found buried in tomes in an ancient library deep within Gothmyr's Forests.

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  • 7400 AE


    The Cursing of Rayvins'hol
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A large purple black dome encircles and covers Rayvins'hol for sixty years. Nothing allowed in or out of bubble. Land becomes cursed.

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  • 7461 AE


    Rayvins'hol rediscovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Rayvins'hol found in ruins, deep within the Ancient Forest. Land bleak and cursed. Nightmare creatures moving throughout city. Land is considered off limits and is contained by neighboring wood elf communities.

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  • 7902 AE


    The Pennimair Offense
    Military action

    In the Gothmyri embassy Ambassador Ser Rutcleft Avenfield III threw a masquerade ball at the embassy, where he was accused of being overly drunk and assaulting a noble blooded female. This female was cousin to the King of Pennimair, and the offense turned to accusations, which became threats, then physical attacks on Avenfield and eventually the lynching and murder of the Noble cousin of the King. This offense made Pennimair declare a war that has yet to end. The war is still "ongoing" with skirmishes and border disputes.

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Age of Fortune

8005 RO 8325 RO

Sixth Age of Edus. This is the Current Age. The year is 8325. Most people drop the 8 and just call it "325AF"

  • 8006 AF


    Nation of Gothmyr Reestablished

    Gothmyr was re-founded and its borders reestablished. The capitol, King's Watch, is also rebuilt.

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  • 8007 AF

    Rise of Korgurr the Chosen
    Military action

    Korgurr Many-Lives, a Ogre with a gift of knowledge and intelligence. gathers orc and hobgoblin tribes to his banner. They begin raiding border towns of Gothmyr and Barasovia through the mountains from the Wildreach.

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  • 8012 AF

    Birth of Prince Jeggred Von Luen XIII
    Life, Birth

    Prince Jeggred Von Luen was born into the Royal family of Gothmyr. His birth was followed by a day where the sky went purple mid day for a minute.
    His birth is believed to be a sign of a boon from the gods.

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  • 8160 AF


    Arrival of The Wraith of Kings Watch
    Era beginning/end

    The man known as The Wraith of Kings Watch arrived in the Capitol and began committing deeds for those wronged, or protecting innocents.

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  • 8308 AF

    8 /5

    Swords of Palin Disappear
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Swords of Palin, a paladin and cleric squad of eight based out of Viksburg were hunting random gnoll bands and stray undead coming west out of RHil'Heeyl Forest. The squad found a death knight, pushing worgs and zombies from the forest. The Paladins rushed deep into the forest, chasing the undead leader. Soon the cleric followed seeking to rejoin their warriors.
    No one saw any member of the Swords of Palin again.

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  • 8310 AF

    8312 AF

    The Undead Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    The undead plague that covered Gothmyr and began to spread across Edus.

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  • 8310 AF

    Death of Prince Jeggred XII
    Life, Death

    Prince Jeggred XII, the "Evisioner", died at the hands of an elder Vampire. This is noted as the event that sparked the undead plague across Gothmyr, and most of the Known World.

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  • 8315 AF


    Eyeliene's Eye Founded

    Two clerics of allied gods found Eyeliene's Eye, a massive walled temple fortress on outskirts of Ravenshold. Clerics and paladins gather and use the Eye as an operations base for protecting the landscape and neighboring towns from escaping Nightmares of Ravenshold.

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  • 8319 AF

    The summoning of the Army of the Stag Court
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During an excavation, a lone soldier uncovered an ancient scroll within an unmarked grave. As the scroll was freed, the curse it held was broken, summoning forth the buried horde of the Stag Court.
    Fifteen hundred mounted and foot soldiers of undead Elves from the First Age now roaming the countryside of the Wildreach.

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  • 8320 AF

    21 /3

    Loss of the Kingsmen of Lujahz
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During a battle in Castlemoor, a Barony of Lujahz, the Kingsmen fought off berserkers and wildmen of the realm. a archmage was working with the wildmen's leader. Fireballs began exploding and magical items began to succumb from the metal-melting heat. As magical items failed, they also exploded, causing a terrible chain reaction. Half of the Kingsmen died on that strip of high ground as the other half escaped with a magical portal. The mage used an evil artifact which raised the dead Kingsmen and turned them into undead Agents.

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  • 8320 AF

    5 /11

    Death of Dacov's Defenders
    Life, Death

    Dacov's Defenders, a group of adventurers based out of Olto sought out a Lich building an armyin the Northern mountains. The lich, Agranix the Uneded killed the entire group in a final battle. Donovan Gustav the Fighter, Ansui Eto, Gawa Monk, Elireina Willowstone, Elven Ranger, Kufkir Volostok, Dwarven Cleric left for dead in the high mountains west of Olto.

  • 8321 AF


    Founding of Fort Regna

    These Red Dragons took multiple ships and sailed around the southern edge of the continent of Edus. They found their way into the Wild Sea and stuck to the Western edge of an uncontested and uncharted jungle. The trek was wrought with peril. Monsters, creatures of the deep and even pirates harried the convoy of ships and even sunk two of the five galleons. Fort Regna

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  • 8325 AF

    24 /1

    The rediscovery of the Masks of Silvein
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The masks of Silvein were rediscovered and a quest to collect and join the four masks together. Several heroes and adventurers banded together to find and stop this.

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  • 8325 AF

    21 /2

    Loss of the Mask of Silvein
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A group of adventurers claimed multiple masks of Silvein. With the help of a Steel dragon, they threw the mask of Terinus into the Arboreal heavens.

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  • 8325 AF

    12 /4

    Clearing of the Ruined Keep
    Cultural event

    The Shining Shield Agents cleared the ruined keep in the Wildreach out of Regna

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  • 8325 AF

    17 /7

    Saint Ookrun Vanquished.
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A band of adventurers prevented Saint Ookrun from completing the masks of Silvein. The great Ookrun was subsequently slain by the adventurers during a land war in the Wildreach. The adventurers took over the land as rulers.

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  • 8325 AF

    1 /8

    Rediscovery of the Temple of Thought
    Discovery, Exploration

    Members of the Shining Shield Adventuring Co. discover the lost Temple of Thought high in the mountains three days south of Fort Regna. The temple had been hidden but was rediscovered when the Shield Co. sought two lost members.

  • 8325 AF

    14 /8

    Migration of Vornn
    Life, Relocation

    Monsters made of man and beast known as Vornn exploded over the Western mountains of Gothmyr, migrating by the thousands across the land of Gothmyr. Moving through farmlands and destroying towns in their path, as they seemto be running FROM something in the Wildreach, moving to the Northeast towards Merstat and Mannnus.