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If you're tired, do it tired.
If you're alone, do it alone.
If you're broken, do it broken.
No excuses. No concession. No surrender.
common Dagmarin maxim
Dagmar is goddess of the earth and fortitude. She was the eldest of the children of Synékia and Kaeli and was known to be a leader, strong-willed and endlessly enduring. She once saved a tribe of nomadic barbarians from a mudslide that would have entirely wiped it out by forcing her presence into the stone located at the base of the hill and extending her will outwards, creating a large shield of stone which held the mud back. She remained in this same position, holding an entire hill above her head, for three hours while the nomads evacuated from the valley. After this she began to see the silent power of the earth and decided to better herself by learning to shape it according to her own will. Her work began in experimentation, continued in practicality, and ended in something akin to art. Throughout, whenever adversity struck, she proved herself calm and levelheaded, approaching challenges rationally, no matter the form in which they came. Dagmar is portrayed as a stout, dwarvish woman with dark hair, dark skin, and an expensive but simple brown tunic, with a green cloak.


Dagmar and her sister Alaya had a tumultuous relationship for the first portion of their lives, but she, in the end, had good relationships with all her siblings—Alaya, Lesh, and Kishike. She is also said to have been friends with Tekina, whom she admired for her unwavering loyalty to Lekatash. Dagmar had three husbands—two dwarves, and then a wood elf called Minnos, with the latter of whom she had one child, the Simra Anthor.


Dagmar is goddess of the earth and fortitude. Her followers are a tough breed, able to weather any storm. They believe firmly in accepting inconveniences and hardships silently, becoming stronger in the conquering of challenges without complaint and with little dependence on comrades, though they also recognize that any individual is stronger when surrounded by friends and allies. Clerics of Dagmar place heavy emphasis on meditation and quiet listening.


Gevedthra: In the aspect known as Gevedthra, Dagmar is called the goddess of mountains and is shown standing at unimaginable heights, though still with the proportions of a dwarf.
Trauvier: As with her three siblings, Dagmar is also associated with one of the four seasons, in her case autumn. In the aspect of Trauvier she appeared in a beautiful dress made of orange and golden leaves, with bare feet, and a staff of earth in her hand.
Cennadine, Lady of Crystals: Dagmar's most beautiful aspect has her clad in armor of multicolored crystals. She would don this aspect in times of great darkness.

Divine Domains

Earth, stone, strength, fortitude, miners, stoneworkers, autumn, the west
Divine Classification

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