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Endellion is the capital city of the country of Thessélias, located in the southeast of its second-largest forest, Valendar. It is the seat of its current king, Celwë Nerenia.


94% wood elf, 5% high elf, >1% other


Rather than watchtowers, Endellion employs a large number of platforms which sit significantly below most of the buildings, from where guards watch for threats from below. The one exception is known simply as "the Watchtower," rising out of the branches of Vassim Mithros. The security forces of Endellion also encourage the habitation of owlbears beneath the city to act as natural defense.

Industry & Trade

The most important exports of Endellion are the fruits and wood of the meriatha trees.


Several wells extend all the way down through the hollowed out trunks of long-dead trees. From these the inhabitants draw their drinking water. Additionally, the roof of each home is designed to catch large quantities of water when it rains.   Endellion contains temples to Kress, Miranelle, Arielis, and Kallistos.


Endellion is known for its architecture, as it is entirely off the ground, built into the trees. The average meriatha tree in Valendar can hold up to a dozen modest homes or six to ten lavish ones. The building which is home to the king, his family, and his court shares the name of the tree into which it is built: Iril Mithros, literally "Great Tree." The other significant tree is Vassim Mithros, or "Home Tree," the largest tree in the forest, into whose branches is built the town center--comprised of places for market stalls, musical and theatrical events, worship, and much more.   The homes are not mere treehouses; most of them have been born from centuries of gently shaping the branches of the trees to form into walls and floors, in most cases using a special kind of magic inherent only to wood elves. Elaborately beautiful pathways constructed from wood as well connect the various structures. Most inhabitants rarely descend to the ground.

Natural Resources

Lumber, fruit, game
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location

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