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Kroshesket is the northernmost country of Talazic. It is comprised of the eastern peninsula and a collection of approximately seventy islands, by far the largest of which is Alishikta. The islands surround the Sea of Ashkaso, and the eastern peninsula shares a border with Thessélias and Adjuskimavo. The capital of Kroshesket is Ashekokikalisk, which is also the seat of its Supreme Chieftain, currently Tekreshkishta Etrashtik.


The people of Kroshesket speak Common as well as the native language of Shelikalo, which is known for its limited phonological inventory and remarkably long words and names, always at least three or four syllables.


The native ethnicity since the Death of the Meydra, Alishiktash, is characterized by completely white skin and hair, as if the people were crafted from snow. The people of the island of Alishikta have remained largely isolated, but most other Kroshesketshans are descended from the Madjinu people and are thus born with relatively dark skin. This has caused some level of discrimination in the past, though it has never been reflected in Kroshesketshan laws.


98% human, 1% elf, 1% other  


Kroshesket is bitterly cold in the far north, and at its hottest, fairly cool year-round near the geographic center. The far south, near the border with Thessélias, is the only place in the country where the temperature can be considered fairly mild.


Kroshesket was founded near the beginning of the Era of Cloud by the Last Meydra, Kallistos. Originally it was only the island of Alishikta, but it spread south and eastward, coming to a stop shortly after he was lost to the Northern Kingdom.   For the first millennium of the Era of Cloud, Kroshesket slowly battled its way through the frigid climate and monsters running rampant over the wastelands, facing several military conflicts as well but gradually rising in prominence as it drew attention with its determination to persevere. Finally it was able to declare a tentative peace in about EC 1200, at which point it lapsed into an epoch known as the Quiet Age, which lasted until about the year 2000 and was largely undocumented. Many historians have speculated on why this may be.   In 2034, the kingdom of Shaffra declared open war on Kroshesket with the ostensible intent of seizing most of its land. Jaleoshtisia Inentenatrash was the Supreme Chieftain at the time, though little is known about him. Kroshesket struggled against Shaffra's military for about a year before Jeltir began sending troops and aid. Around this time it came out that Shaffra's king's true goal was to locate a source of divine power that he suspected to be buried beneath Eketshastikelost, the location where the god Lekatash was trapped for many years. Kroshesket's forces began to attempt to uncover the source of power themselves, and at the eleventh hour managed to use it to beat back Shaffra's forces.   With the use of this power, for the following 1500 years Kroshesket was easily the most powerful kingdom in the world. Councils were assembled to closely monitor and consider any use of the power, so as not to misuse this gift from the gods. For some time in the late 3400s, there was an abiding peace, and use of it dwindled to almost nothing. Supreme Chieftain Tenlashini Italsekiliash, who rose to power in EC 3517, disbanded these councils and began drawing up plans to utilize the power in a campaign not unlike the one Kallistos had embarked on many years before, though he died before he could set these plans into motion. This power quickly fell into legend, until some years later, shortly after the turn of the century in EC 3600, when his grandson Ishennalashta uncovered them in the archives and began the campaign.   Kroshesket declared a "holy war" on all neighboring kingdoms, but less than a month after it began, the power source suddenly dried up. Kroshesket was forced to surrender in shame, and they withdrew, staying quiet and within their borders, and lamenting the loss of their divine favor, for many years. Slowly they began to rebuild, moving towards redemption as Kallistos had, and the future was looking bright. Then came the Great Shadow. Already cold, most of the kingdom froze to death. By the time the darkness lifted, those Kroshesketshans who remained were scattered, divided, and deeply afraid. The kingdom has never quite recovered, although the descendants of the survivors are considered some of the strongest people in the world.   Today Kroshesket is considered an underdeveloped country, with few large cities and a relatively weak military. Many historians and scholars call for a renewal in Kroshesket, hoping that it may one day be restored to the glorious kingdom it once was.
Founding Date
EC 68
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories

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