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HB Session 15: Sailing Into the Sunset

General Summary

Month 8, Week 3 - Month 9, Week 1, Year 924
The Holy Boaters sailed to the Sabhan capital of Orem to help Argus retrieve one last piece of armor needed to complete his collection. The crew met with numerous locals like Jerboa Awzimuth and Maris Sissava as they planned their raid on Arjahn Kazemi's collection, but ultimately they went with Sarek's plan to lure out the nobleman and his entourage into the waters of the Karaga Sea. The plan worked beautifully, and after less than 24 hours in town the Boaters had plenty of riches and their bugbear friend had the helmet that completing his Dragon God-King suit of armor securely in his grasp.   Argus quickly became Entombed inside the suit of armor, his goblinkin body vaporized as his soul took control of the draconic suit of armor. The rest of the Boaters made a quick getaway back up to Nekutalin, collectively agreeing to lay low that fall after a high-stakes summer full of pirate raids and monster fights. Thanks to generous financial support from the rest of the crew Muireann left the Boaters to start her own medical ship, with Shazir following along to stay close to his beloved. Cpt. Dolooloobogg retired from a life at sea to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Dhamma, appointing Sarek as the new captain of the Holy Boater. Sarek quickly renamed the ship 'Coursing Venom', with some old faces like Noodles and Yel'ah staying aboard to transform the ship into a floating foundry. Clover returned to Mulane College to finish up her boating major, but Marco promised to keep in touch with her even as he continued sailing aboard the Coursing Venom.   Sardivelian retribution was swift, and in the following years the Avventuri would wage a vicious campaign against all forms of piracy throughout the Karaga Sea. Sarek's crew turned towards more diplomatic pursuits and brokered alliances with various sahuagin tribes on behalf of New Tolball and William Fintuna, but nobody from the original crew of the Holy Boaters would ever forget that wild summer of 924 when they shucked the Karaga like it was the last oyster on Ekal.  

Character(s) interacted with

  • Argus - A little less fuzzy, a lot more draconic
  • Jerboa Awzimuth - A white dragonborn and terrible businessman
  • Maris Sissava - A chipper yuan-ti and leader of the Desert Dreamers 
  • Arjahn Kazemi - A wealthy goliath aristocrat and the latest victim of the Holy Boater's tomfoolery
  • Dolooloobogg - former captain of the Holy Boater
  • Marco - He'll keep in touch with Clover
  • Glovlazod - A hobgoblin shipwright working out of Nekutalin 
Report Date
31 Jan 2023
Primary Location
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