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Lakefinder Session 11: Say No to Bone Fairies

General Summary

Month 11, Week 1 - Month 13, Week 2, Year 935
  It didn't take long for the party to decide on their next mission, at Leena's suggestion they agreed to investigate a couple of occult missions in the half-elf kingdom of Despero. A serial killer in the capital of Havre was marking up their victims with mysterious writing, and in Anthep there were fears that the holy war between worshippers of Merrshaulk and Dendar would start bleeding out from Sheyuan into the neighboring regions. The journey to Havre could be accomplished in a little over a week by rail and boat, but the group decided to walk 1,600 miles so they could visit Eraji's mom along the way in Broggfey.   The journey through Broggfey proved safe and uneventful, friendly towns of orcish farmers treating the adventurers to hearty dinners and fall festivals with the harvest season coming to a close. On the road one day the party came across a body with all of its bones missing, a frightening sign that a bone fairy might be in the area. Sure enough, a couple nights later Karly and Kai heard some cackling out in one of the fields. Kai stepped closer to investigate, agreeing to help the bone fairy named Auntie Lindworm obtain a finger for the concoction she was brewing.   Not wanting to encounter any other bone fairies on their journey, the group made quick progress on the last couple of days headed to see Eraji's mom. The massive, ancient naga resided in a secluded forest near the foothills of the Temeraire Mtns, pleased to answer any questions about the occult. She explained the dangers of the fight between Dendar and Merrshaulk's forces, and when challenged by Kai she agreed to a one-on-one fight. The half-orc monk managed to land one devastating punch before being hammered into the ground, collecting a shard of the naga's scales as a trophy.   It took six more weeks to make it to Havre, the days getting shorter and shorter as the wintertime fast approached. Jaariko took time every night to do some crafting, pondering the information he gleaned from Tahrir College about Prof. Klute and wondering if he could ever meet the scholar of Old Myltevian lore.

Rewards Granted

  • 25 XP - Showing Up
  • 50 XP - Major accomplishment
  • The party obtained Bane Oil from Gom the farmer

Missions/Quests Completed

Report Date
30 Jul 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Featured Characters


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