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Atlas - Saving Elena

Atlas' old partner and love interest, Elena, died some time ago in a botched investigation for Drake Chosa. In his grief, Atlas attempted to bring Elena back from the dead - it worked, kind of. Atlas was able to bring the soul back, but Elena was not restored. She haunts him now, a constant reminder of his failings.   After recently deciphering the Book of Dark Dreams, Atlas realises that he has bound Elena's soul to himself. His ritual failed because he didn't have a body for Elena's spirit to enter.    Recently, the spirit of Elena has been manifesting physically, using Atlas' shape-changing abilities to take form. These changes seem to be random. When the change occurs, it is Elena's soul who is piloting the body. It is uncertain how this will develop, but if something isn't done soon - it could be bad for both of them.   A powerful cleric in Colere was able to remove Elena's soul from Atlas' body, and place it in a new body formed for the previously deceased investigator. Elena is now living in Atlas' old home, and is able to provide assistance to the party if required.


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