BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 13

General Summary

After spending the night in the Temple of Mortona, the group make their way back up into the Deddo Forest, where Godric spots the Wil-o-wisp that appeared to him the previous day.   Following the wisp, which unlike the other spirits does not disappear and re-appear, the party eventually find themselves at a small clearing in the forest. The wisp stops above a certain spot, and dissipates into the ground as Godric and Leah draw near. Poking out of the ground on this spot, Godric finds a stuffed cat toy. Leah recognises this section of the forest as the spot where she found Godric as a baby, and the memories of his origins seem to upset the tiefling. Searching the area, Godric also finds a knitted blanket, stained with years of mud and grime, as well as possible old blood stains. Leah spots scorch marks in the ground, which seem to have formed a circle at some point, and 6 mounds of earth a short ways away from the circle.   Digging through one of the mounds, Godric finds a long dead corpse. No discernible information can be found on the corpse, which the party leave mostly buried. At Godric's behest, the group decide to leave the site. Around this time, the sounds of somebody speaking can be heard, and so Leah sends Nyx forward to investigate. The owl spots a dark-skinned elf, apparently talking to himself. Nyx gives a hoot of greeting to the elf, who follows the bird back to the party.   The elf, who goes by the name of Vasilii, is an odd sort; never blinking and with a permanent grin fixed upon his face. Leah manages to discern that this elf is from the Shadowfell, but he seems harmless enough for the time being. Vasilii is apparently investigating some portals to the Shadowfell which have recently opened up in the forest. The group follow him to one such portal nearby, which appears as a slither of darkness hanging in the air. As the party draw close, the entire clearing falls dark as they are attacked by strange squid like creatures. The beasts are defeated after a couple of suffocation attempts, and Vasilii is revived after being fireballed by a certain somebody. The group discover that bright light seems to weaken the portal, and as it does so, Leah is able to discern that this was once a Fey Crossroad, which can usually be found across the world. By casting some nature-based magic around the weakened shadow portal, Leah is able to restore the crossing to what is once was. Leah immediately feels her connection to the Feywild re-establish, though only barely.   As the group make their way towards the next shadow portal, a few of them notice that the mist that permeates the forest seems to be thinning, and even the clouds above seem to be clearing somewhat. Whether this is an effect of the now removed Seed of Mortona or the closing of the shadow portal is yet unknown.   The next portal is surrounded by shadowy hounds. The party manage to get the drop on this group of beasts, and they are easily dispatched before their master can cross through onto the material plane.   The third and final portal is the largest of them all. Apparently clear of danger, the group move forward and Leah begins her attempt to close the crossing. Her work is interrupted however as Eva is blasted with necrotic energy from behind, and a veritable dragon (though, a small one) appears from the shadows and attacks.
Report Date
01 Feb 2020
Primary Location


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