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Phoenix Forest


  The Deddo Forest was a withered and corrupted area of land that stretched from the edge of Kureta Lake, to the borders of the Okina Forest and close to the Monastery of Stone. Nothing grew there, save for some rare fungi and similar vegetation. Wildlife was very rarely seen within.   The forest has been a topic of debate for scholars and common folk alike for generations. It is widely believed that there was once a road leading out of the west gate of Kureta City to a trading partner, as the other trade roads do. But the dead forest has been there for longer than anybody alive can remember, so nobody knows for sure.   Tales of warning were told of the Deddo Forest - evil creatures lived within, a sickness or plague would infect anybody who entered, you would get lost forever should you dare to explore, and so on. Despite these warnings, trade expeditions were occasionally made through the forest to and from the City of Pain, where rare herbs and mushrooms could be bought. Any such journey would always be accompanied by skilled guards who are brave enough, or stupid enough, to take such a job.  


  In 1779 KCB, the actions of the adventuring group "The Unlikely Association" revived the Deddo Forest, with the flora bursting into life at an unnatural rate. This revival of the forest fuelled the old myth that the forest was once indeed a bountiful area, providing plentiful resources to Kureta City.   As the years went on, the forest returned to a full state of bloom - providing a bounty of fruits and game all-year round. The forest was renamed in 1810 to "The Phoenix Forest", bringing light to its magical revival.   The forest now provides a large amount of the produce used within Kureta City, and is deemed safe for all to travel.

Localized Phenomena

The Dead Forest   In its more commonly known state of death, the Deddo Forest was a place feared by all. The trees and plant life in the forest were in a constant state of death - branches were withered and bare, bushes grew no fruit, and the only life one would find within were dangerous and mutated beasts.   An unnatural mist would linger over much of the forest, obscuring any sunlight, and casting a constant gloom. This mist served to hide the perceived horrors within.   Revival   As of late summer, 1768, the Deddo Forest has undergone a revival - now in a state of blooming life. This new life, however, seems to be as bizarre as the forest's state of death. Wildlife has veritably exploded within the woodlands, with creatures seemingly appearing out of the aether. The plants and trees within have blossomed, and many now bear fruit. As the new forest comes into its first winter, there seems to be no sign of the leaves browning, wildlife hibernating, or any of the other winter occurrences one may expect to see in nature.

Natural Resources

In its state of death, the forest only offered rare mushrooms and herbs.   In life however, one can expect to find a variety of fruit within the forest; apples, pears, plums, blackberries, blueberries, and various other berries have been found growing here. The forest also homes a plentiful number of wild game; boar, pheasants, deer, rabbits and many other small critters have been spotted.   The plant life that grows within the Phoenix Forest also provides timber, cotton, and hemp.


The Deddo Forest (not its original name) was once home to a group of nature-based spellcasters, made up primarily of humans, who revered the land and lived peacefully amongst the flora and fauna that resided within. This collective took care of the land, their home, and lived much like druids might do nowadays.   In year 1 KCB, a cataclysmic event occurred, a meteor fell to Ekina, wiping out a large chunk of the forest. The forest as a whole survived, its supernatural vitality holding strong.   The resulting crater began to fill with water from the two rivers that fed into it. Atop this newly formed Kureta Lake, a large mass of rock floated - suspended by Magic. Upon this floating rock, Kureta City was born.   Shortly after the city was completed, Mortona planted the Seed of Mortona in the Deddo Forest, in an attempt to slight The Goddess by destroying the primary source of sustenance to her perfect city. The forest withered and died, destroying the vibrant life within and thus giving the woodlands the name it is now commonly known by.   In 1779, the forest was restored to its previous state of ever-blooming life by the adventuring group known as The Unlikely Association. It is now home to much wildlife, as well as a sect of nature-based witches.
Well this makes for a pleasant change! What a lush and vibrant forest! Truly this forest is a gift from the gods, such bountiful fruit and game, and many little pests that won't leave me alone... shoo!

Flynvias Stillbrush
Perhaps the most unpleasant experience I had on my quest to paint the world. I did not plan to stay in the dead forest for long, and thankfully didn't have to - there wasn't much to paint... would not recommend.

Flynvias Stillbrush (Accounting the old Deddo Forest)


  • Deddo Forest
Alternative Name(s)
Deddo Forest (Renamed in 1810)
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