BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 13

General Summary

  • Arrived in the tower of Archmage Zephryus
  • Found the front door frozen shut, and a wall of wind blocking the stairs
  • Eventually discovered the trick to dispelling the wall, and headed upstairs
  • Fought a fire elemental and 2 fire snakes, danced a Magic dance to dispel the wall of fire
  • Moved into a library area with a large harp, found a book with the correct song to play to dispel the wall of earth
  • Heated some sand and blew it over the frozen shell of Archmage Zephryus to free him from his icy prison
  • Zephryus rewards the party with 1000GP, some spells for Groban, and the promise of his Magic item combination services
  • He explains how he ended up in this predicament - he was assaulted by a wizard in red, who demanded to see his research. When he refused, he was attacked and quickly outmatched
  • Enacting the Tomb of Ice spell was his only chance of survival
  • The ground begins to shake, as the archmage runs to the window - exclaiming "he has returned"
  • The party rush downstairs to the teleportation circle, and agree to distract the wizard in red while Zephryus gathers something to flee
  • The red wizard seems to recognise one of the party members, Celine, and bids them to come outside to talk
  • After some brief chatter, Zephyrus interrupts the red wizard with a fireball, to no effect, before calling everyone back to the teleportation circle to escape
  • Zephyrus has brought the primordial fire from his forge with him
  • The group arrive back at The MacGuffin Gatherers, to a bewildered Inadi
  • Tanfan hands the group a letter from Fiona, which updates them on her research into the fouled water
  • Report Date
    28 Jul 2023
    Secondary Location


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