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  The MacGuffin Gatherers are an adventuring guild, based in Takari Peak. Their purpose is to source and acquire items from across the world and beyond, for anybody who has the coin to pay for such services.   The MacGuffin Gatherers are an off-shoot of the main organisation - known simply as "The Gatherers", which is based in Sigil.  

Structure & Ranking

  Adventurers within the guild must prove themselves by completing quests appropriate for their rank. In return, they are granted access to certain benefits, and paid more handsomely the higher up they go.  
Rank Missions Perks
Bronze Local Food & Board, Identification Pin
Silver Local Shop Discount
Gold Inner Planes Limited Planar Travel, Access to Healing
Platinum Outer Planes Access to Archives & Vault
Mithril Other Spheres Unlimited Teleports (Local)
Adamantine Unlimited Unlimited Planar Travel

Tavern and Rooms

  The MacGuffin Gatherers guild hall is a large building, which includes its own tavern and rooms. The use of these facilities is exclusively reserved for members of the guild, and their guests. The services offered here are mediocre, but heavily subsidised. The tavern is operated by a young Coleran woman called Annalise Miller.  


  A small shop within the guild offers basic adventuring supplies to its members, such as weapons, climbing gear, various kits and healing potions. The price of these goods is generally much better than what you would find elsewhere. The shop is run by a Human woman called Marie Everson.   Discounts per rank:  
Item Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Mithril Adamantine
Weapons & Armor - 10% 15% 30% 50% FREE
Supplies - 15% 25% 40% 50% FREE
Kits & Tools - 15% 25% 40% 50% 75%
Healing Potions - 10% 15% 25% 30% 40%
Spell Scrolls Off-limits 5% 5% 10% 15% 25%
Magic Items Off-limits 5% 5% 10% 15% 25%


  There are a handful of clerics kept on staff, who can provide healing Magic free of charge to members of the guild who have proven themselves to be worthy of such a benefit. The lead clerics of the infirmary are Brooke Titchwillow and Alberta Starstouch.  


  The guild have 2 methods of traversing great distances - a teleportation circle for travelling the Material Plane, and an extra-planar gateway for crossing the planes of existance. These portals are managed by an Elf called Inadi Wintermoon.  


  The Archives hold restricted information about the various planes of existance, and spheres on the Material Plane. One can find history books from across the multiverse here, as well as documentation of past guild missions. The Archives are maintained by a man called Malik Everson.  


  The Vault contains magical goods acquired from previous missions. These items are usually left over from missions that were not fully paid for, or extras that were picked up along the way. Guild members can gain access to the vault and "rent out" items, once they have reached Platinum rank.  

Famous Parties

  The MacGuffin gatherers have one adventuring party currently at Adamantine rank, who are well-known across Kureta. They are known as "The Outcasts", and consist of 2 Elves, 1 Human and 1 Tiefling.  

Rising Stars

  A newer adventuring group called "The Fist of Justice" has been doing great things recently, and are expected to quickly rise through the ranks. They consist of 6 members.

You need it? We'll get it.


  • MacGuffin Gatherers HQ
Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories

Articles under The MacGuffin Gatherers


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