BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 16

General Summary

  • The party are chased down by Margaret McDonald as they leave the farm. She hands them a scrap of paper which her father found a few nights ago, and forgot about
  • What remains of the note seems to imply that Adriana is being blackmailed by "M", who has her brother. She has been told to recover an artifact, and failure is not an option. Adriana should meet "M" somewhere in Eastbrooke once the item is acquired
  • The party split up at this point, with some going to speak with Osryn Stone, and the rest going to the garrison.
  • Osyn tells the group that he believes shady busy is often conducted somewhere down by the docks
  • At the garrison, the party learn that Adriana's infamy has spread to Colere and Eastbrooke, but they are not actively looking for her, as the small town seems to be below Adriana's usual high-value targets
  • Having looked at the torn note and brought up to date, the captain of the garrison suggests that it seems likely Adriana would have returned to the Tower of Heaven if she wasn't successful the first time
  • At the docks, Groban, Celine and Roan spot a hidden meeting area beneath the planks. Investigating the area finds clear signs of activity, but no pink mud. Some Thieves Cant is scratched onto the wall which translates roughly to "Honour" or "No Lies"
  • The garrison lend the party some horses, and sign an introductory letter to vouch for the party's identity. The group heads out north towards the Tower of Heaven
  • A few hours into the journey, the relative peace is interrupted by the sounds of a high-pitched scream. A nearby derelict house seems to be the cause of the sound, and so Groban sends Hootcules over to investigate
  • Inside one of the bedrooms, the owl spots a well-dressed man tied up, surrounded by armed individuals
  • The party enter the building, and battle ensues
  • Some of the armed folk are killed, and the leader opts to surrender
  • She explains that the tied up man is Lord Reginald Wellington III, a name the party have heard before
  • Their group are mercenaries, who have been hired by Kylie Jameson to kidnap Lord Wellington and take him far away
  • The party agree to let the remaining mercenaries go, but claim the loot from the fallen as their own
  • Lord Wellington is freed, and immediately becomes a source of annoyance
  • Reginald explains that his family are the 2nd family of Sun's Rest, and the Jameson's are the 3rd. The Jameson family has apparently always been jealous of the Wellingtons
  • The party agree to take Reginald with them to the Tower of Heaven, where he can hopefully get home safely to Sun's Rest. He promises a great reward if they can help to get him home
  • The party set off once more, discovering that the remaining mercaneries have stolen most of their horses
  • Further up the road, the party begin to see signs of distant skirmishes in various directions
  • As night falls, the party set up camp. During the night, lights are seen in the distance, but its unclear how far away they are
  • Barnabus has a dream in which he finds himself once more in Tenasma's realm. Tenasma thanks Barnabus for his service, and reveals that his theory on Godric's death was correct. The Tiefling is not dead at all, but currently trapped within an amethyst in the hands of a powerful creature
  • The party's long rest is disturbed as dawn begins to break, by a group of hideous creatures with large claws...
  • Report Date
    08 Sep 2023


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