BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 33

General Summary

The Unlikely Association spend a few hours in the great library of Kain, the deceased god of knowledge. With the help of one of Kain's followers, they discover much.   After a heavy research session, and some reading taken for Weddy McDowel and Symon Argent, the party head back up to Adonia's level to have a rest. Weddy is disappointed that the group weren't able to get any further into the temple (believing them to have been stopped by a cave in) but says she will come back again when she feels a bit more confident about taking the challenges.    After a well-earned rest, the party head back up to the ground floor of the temple. Once there, they are met by the sound of slow clapping. Walking out into the large chamber, the group find a contingent of armed men and women, human and dwarves, who are led by a dwarven cleric called Kinford Jawbreaker. Kinford declares that they have come to take the profits of whatever the party have found, and will take them by force if necessary. Towards the back of the chamber, Hespé and Ida can be seen standing over Reena Taman and Harris Kanes, who lay unconscious and tied up.    Obviously not wanting to give anything up, the party commence battle with the newcomers - who the dwarf claims are Patrolmen - the Order of the Shield's equivalent in Nakaba. The attackers are defeated, and looting their bodies suggests that these people were indeed from Nakaba, and were members of the Patrolmen. Weddy claims that she had not told anyone of the expedition, other than friends of the mayor during his party (though the fairly public beginning of the voyage would suggest it was no secret).   With the attackers defeated, Hespé and Ida sheave their weapons, and cut the captives loose. Questioning the pair reveals them to be members of The Reapers, who are loyal to whoever offers the most coin. Kinford apparently had paid them to betray the party, but now that he's dead, their loyalty to him has ended. The two mercenaries will travel with the party until they reach the end of The Slithering Wilds, at which point they will go their separate ways, unless the party would like to hire them on.   The group decide what to do next, before heading back out into the jungle...

Rewards Granted

+1 Flail
+2 Chainmail
Report Date
24 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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